Need advice,our 17 yr.old son went fishing as he was walking to the river he spotted an item which was a parphinala pipe he picked it up and went fishing he figured what the heck by my self (In his mind I'm pretty sure what this is) I'll try this got his lighter out of his tackle box .checked it out more after getting situated with fishing (he goes fishing all the free time he has)decided to try it ,lite it and instantly got a head ache,set it down not wanting it anymore, went back to fishing and forgot about it, not liking the headache, never been around it, didn't care about it,THEN unfortunetly the game warden came of course he checked for hunting lisence not a problem BUT then of course the STUPID PIPE laying there ,our son being SCARED to DEATH and couldn't beleive what just had happened and KNEW he had to tell his parents was not good news,he cooperated with him because he knew it wasn't his, he admitted trying the pipe to the warden,he told the warden to check his car he did NOTHING found ,he searched our son NOTHING found,checked his tackle box & cooler NOTHING found but still the pipe was laying on a rock near him, he took the pipe wrote out a Evidence Receipt and left him be on his way ,he did say it'll be up to the D.A.to decided..We live in Wisconsin and need some advice quickly,Will an officer come here? will they just send a sitation or court hearing??What does he have to look forward to trouble ...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! We don't know nothing about this