me and ex are from calif, approx 2yrs. ago we discussed on numerous occasions ,in detail how she had been meeting regularly with a offshore (Chineese) buisness couple ,male and female,that was interested in finding someone who would agree to marry for a lrge sum of money and for the male to gain citizzenship .She told me the female seemed to be the interpreture of the two.Meetings progressed and in time we eventually stopped speaking.Since then she has filed bogus dom viol charges on me ,and got away with it,frauded school loans, frauded welfare,and been milking this college student thing for i don"t kno how long, has had DCS (child srvcs) called to her house at least a doz times for verbal and physical situations with her daughter,but she has been able to talk her way out of having them write a report every time! She has to be stopped ,so i wanted to find out if the marraige ever took place , it did, went to Vegas and retrieved the certificates ,i kno they dont live together, and expensive gifts were coming in left and right shortly after that time of discussion,she lives on hand out"s from me and her ex.She mentioned a sum of 18,000 for her efforts.???? are these federal charges?is hiring a investigative firm to build a solid and detailed file, and then presenting it to the INS , a good way to go? how illegal are her actions? I just cant see letting this go since me and my daughter especially, will be effected ANY ADVICE WELCOME!