My husband and I've been married 11 fabulous years, have two sons (8&9).He just received court order to pay child support for an illetigimate child from a prior relationship(before married)this is a long story, yes, I completely understand that he's responsible for support, but she took the child out of California with her new boyfriend (which she's still with) w/out notifying him, bought a home and works under the table.Now 14 yrs. later she decides to claim for child support (7 yrs. ago he first got the court order, he appeared at the hearing, and she didn't!), we have two children, car payments, mortgage, I'm going to nursing school..., HELP!!I don't know what to do, but I think I want a divorce or a legal-separation. Will this help me financially? or should I stay in the marriage? Presently, I need to take care of my children and myself.How??