If I may add one more thing, about 7 years ago my husband was in an accident. He was unable to pay the full amount of child support but he continued to make a payment each month (they said although he wasn't working he was capable of making x amount. He has 2 children, his daughter 19 graduated last year but he continued to pay the full amount in order to catch up for the arreages, plus he was paying an extra $100 each month for the past 5 years. Since the divorce he always paid thru the state of Fl who in turn sent it to the state of Minn. Except for the time he was injured he has made all payments on time. Recently the state of Minnesota said that they wanted FL excluded, because they felt that although FL was receiving the payments early, they were not sending them out. Since my husband only has 2 years left to pay he contacted his attorney who said don't rock the boat, leave it in fl to keep all records in one location. The lady in Minn got upset and sent us a rather nasty letter saying that she would have it changed and suggesting that the amount would go up. Well, somehow she got FL to close the case, and whereas he had been paying $1200 for 2 kids, we just got ordered to pay almost $1500 for 1. My husbands income for last year was about $90,000, the mother's income is approx. 45-50,000.Also they are showing that due to interest accruing he is behind on child support almost 19,000, even though he was paying the extra each month, and for the past 3 years they have kept his tax returns. The tax returns amount to approximately $9500, which don't even show as being paid. I just don't understand. We contacted an attorney in Minn whose advice was pay it for the next 2 years then just quit when she graduates, but I don't want a big battle in 2 years either. I am just confused.