What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Florida
I am facing a DUI charge related to a minor car accident. When a highway patrol officer arrived on scene, I was standing outside of my vehicle and was just finishing up giving the occupants of the other vehicle my insurance information. I did not get their information, I have no idea who they were. The occupants of the vehicle I hit did not wish to file a report and the state witness list includes only the officer.
In the state of Florida, the state must prove driving or actual physical control of the vehicle. There must be a wheel witness. There were certainly the occupants of the vehicle but since their identity is unknown and therefore nobody to testify, and the officer did not see me in my car, is there a wheel witness?
I am facing a DUI charge related to a minor car accident. When a highway patrol officer arrived on scene, I was standing outside of my vehicle and was just finishing up giving the occupants of the other vehicle my insurance information. I did not get their information, I have no idea who they were. The occupants of the vehicle I hit did not wish to file a report and the state witness list includes only the officer.
In the state of Florida, the state must prove driving or actual physical control of the vehicle. There must be a wheel witness. There were certainly the occupants of the vehicle but since their identity is unknown and therefore nobody to testify, and the officer did not see me in my car, is there a wheel witness?