I happen to work for a living. When I first went back to work and to try and get the back rent paid ASAP I was working 10-12 hour days plus weekends. I also had an hour commute each way. You figure it out that doesn't leave alot of time for much. When I was locked out by the sheriff my main objective was to first find a place for us to live so we didn't have to stay in motels or impose of friends every night. With that accomplished I have been trying to find a lawyer to at least get a free consultation with but as I keep telling you there are not any lawyers that handle tenant/landlord lawsuits for the tenants. At least not that I have been able to find in either Contra Costa nor Solano Counties. Got any referrals?????????
I am buying the trailer from a private party and making payments to her. My mom is also listed as co-registered owner with me on the trailer. The worman I am buying it from is listed as the legal/lienholder. My mom finally was able to get ahold of her last week, she has been trying to get ahold of her for at least 2-3 months. She said she would be willing to assist me when it comes to the park. That's why I need to find a lawyer or someone out there that knows mobilehome park laws to assist me and point me in the right direction. I did file an appeal with the courts but have not gotten an appeal hearing date. I filed back in June. The appallate court has not sent down a date nor a decision as to whether or not they will even hear the case.
I did spend many hours researching the different civil procedure codes and found the park was in violation of several, however when I filed a stay of eviction and/or relief from eviction based upon the violations, I was denied. So I really need someone who knows the laws for tenant rights to help. Again, got anyone you can refer me to?????
Yeah, it was all for being short $300. The owners of the park are very well known and have alot of political clout. There was a petition circulated in the park by the residence to have the managers fired due to unjust, unfair harrassment of tenants, illegally raising rents (which they had to refund), etc. The petition was given to the owners and shortly thereafter anyone whos name appeared on the petition was targeted to get evicted. I was not the only one there were other people, some being senior citizens on fixed incomes that had lived there for over 20 years. They even targeted the ex-assistant manager. They were trying to get single mothers, people on public assistance, young couples with children. There was a several articles about the whole thing in the Vallejo Time Herald.
This does consume alot of my time. When they cleaned my shed there were personal papers of extreme importance, ie tax records, divorce papers, etc. that I need now and don't have. I did try to sneak in once after the initial move out and the assistant mgr. called police and tried to citizen arrest me. That is when the cops told me I could not come back even to visit anyone.
Let me know if you know anyone who will at least listen and look at my papers and point me in the right direction. I can make a small month payment or they can take it on contingency and I will give them more that the standard 33 1/3 they normally get.
If you really are a disc jockey you are in contact with numerous people in all professional all time. Refer someone.