What is the name of your state? Indiana (ordered in MI after I had already moved to IN)
My divorce states for visitation that my sons father (who lives in Michigan and is approx. 320 miles away) gets him the second week of every month (sunday to sunday) (I provide transportation) He may also have him for another weekend if he so chooses but that he must provide half of the transportation. He does not wish to do that because of the driving, so we came to an agreement that instead of sunday to sunday the week of his visitation he would instead get him saturday morning through the following sunday, giving him the extra time he wants and saving him the driving. It also states that we share every other holiday, but it does not state who does the driving during this time. So far I have provide all of the driving to and from those visitations as well. Including fathers day visitations and making efforts for our son to spend time with his father on his fathers birthday. The divorce papers also state that once our son reaches school age (he will be turning 5 in August) that his visitations will be half of all school breaks but not more than 2 weeks in a row. The divorce papers never stated anything else as to what other visitation he will recieve aside from school breaks. I have asked him about visitation once our son is in school. He wants him every other weekend but is unwilling to do any of the driving. I offered him 1 weekend a month and that I would do all of the driving. We have joint custody but I have physical custody of our son and he has lived with me in the state of Indiana for over 3 years now. I was wondering if I would be able to file in Indiana now for changes to visitation since we have been residence so long. I have tried to work with him on things throughout this whole thing. I even went so far as to lower his child support when he got laid off and even kept it lowered once he found another job because he wasnt making as much money. He is suppose to keep medical on our son, but for over a year now, my husband has been providing medical insurance for him instead. Plus now with our son getting ready to start school and I am having to find a job, I cant do the traveling that I have done in the past. Any advice or wisedom at all would be greatly appreciated because I am just at a loss as to what to do anymore. I am in no way trying to keep father and son from spending time together, but without help on my ex's part its getting harder and harder.
My divorce states for visitation that my sons father (who lives in Michigan and is approx. 320 miles away) gets him the second week of every month (sunday to sunday) (I provide transportation) He may also have him for another weekend if he so chooses but that he must provide half of the transportation. He does not wish to do that because of the driving, so we came to an agreement that instead of sunday to sunday the week of his visitation he would instead get him saturday morning through the following sunday, giving him the extra time he wants and saving him the driving. It also states that we share every other holiday, but it does not state who does the driving during this time. So far I have provide all of the driving to and from those visitations as well. Including fathers day visitations and making efforts for our son to spend time with his father on his fathers birthday. The divorce papers also state that once our son reaches school age (he will be turning 5 in August) that his visitations will be half of all school breaks but not more than 2 weeks in a row. The divorce papers never stated anything else as to what other visitation he will recieve aside from school breaks. I have asked him about visitation once our son is in school. He wants him every other weekend but is unwilling to do any of the driving. I offered him 1 weekend a month and that I would do all of the driving. We have joint custody but I have physical custody of our son and he has lived with me in the state of Indiana for over 3 years now. I was wondering if I would be able to file in Indiana now for changes to visitation since we have been residence so long. I have tried to work with him on things throughout this whole thing. I even went so far as to lower his child support when he got laid off and even kept it lowered once he found another job because he wasnt making as much money. He is suppose to keep medical on our son, but for over a year now, my husband has been providing medical insurance for him instead. Plus now with our son getting ready to start school and I am having to find a job, I cant do the traveling that I have done in the past. Any advice or wisedom at all would be greatly appreciated because I am just at a loss as to what to do anymore. I am in no way trying to keep father and son from spending time together, but without help on my ex's part its getting harder and harder.