My mother had me get a credit card when I was in college. I used the card and so did my sister. All of the bills were sent to her(Mother's) house and were being paid by her. About a year after I had the card, she was mad at me and made me give it to my sister who kept using it for another 6 months. The credit card was maxed out and my mother informed me I had to pay for the whole thing. I told her I would get copies of the card reciepts and show the signatures were not mine. A few months later I found out she had stopped making payments on the card. I had no way of knowing since she had always made the payments. Now my credit is shot and I can't even get electricity in my name. Of course I cancelled the card and informed my mother I knew what she had done. She let me know she would pay the card off. I have no credit. Is there anything I can do?