New Mexico
I have a question about general child custody and relocating the child. Both parents are good parents and encourage the child with both families. Custoday was settled a few years ago but has not been judge enforced due to overwhelming costs to both families. The mom moved 2 hours away and the dad had no say. Now the mom wants to move the child 15 hours away and out of state**************what are the changes of custody being flipped? NM custody relocation states that 60 day written notice is needed, but dad was given a 2 week verbal notice. Child is currently with dad for the summer**************what can he do? Does he have a good chance in changing the custody agreement? Plus, all of the child's family lives in NM. Thanks!
I have a question about general child custody and relocating the child. Both parents are good parents and encourage the child with both families. Custoday was settled a few years ago but has not been judge enforced due to overwhelming costs to both families. The mom moved 2 hours away and the dad had no say. Now the mom wants to move the child 15 hours away and out of state**************what are the changes of custody being flipped? NM custody relocation states that 60 day written notice is needed, but dad was given a 2 week verbal notice. Child is currently with dad for the summer**************what can he do? Does he have a good chance in changing the custody agreement? Plus, all of the child's family lives in NM. Thanks!