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MSN archives and criminal cases

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?

I have a crazy ex and yes I mean crazy who seems to think that maybe she can get me put in prison for MSN archives that to me are bairly provable without having to go through an entire network of communcation servers.

1.) Shes says shes going to give my MSN archchives to the police so I go to jail because I left her, Is this possible to get me put in jail when msn archives in no way shape or form show any valid username only friendly names (Nick Names) and even if they could be faked at any time (as a programmer I could build you 50 right now :|). She is also trying to only say this because I wont do what she wants yes I know its blackmail but I dont got time to deal with the cops and she also wants money, shes trying to tell me if I ever come back to michigan she will give it to the cops. What can I do about this and can she get me put in jail with a stupid MSN archive. The msn archive does make a few threats in a very broad aspect but could never be proved that I actually said it because like I said they dont make archives with actual usernames just friendly names.

If you have evidence showing she will be going to the police unless you pay her money then I would give that to the police dept. as it is extortion. But you have to weigh what she is going to tell the police about you. It sounds to me like you are guilty of something illegal (if she is saying MSN archives I am guessing paedophile maybe or some other serious crime involving chat logs?) What are you guilty of that she is going to report to the police and will the crime she reports be serious enough for the police to further investigate...


Junior Member
Nothing like what your thinking, it involved hacking and fighting in person....with some people who think they can hack :| some threats that were made towards them flah flah flah ...
Just do what I do to wannabe hackersand tell them that if they think they are so bad then why not try to take down my server. Then I give them my IP address which is and tell them to go to town!
dsouf said:
What is the name of your state?

I have a crazy ex and yes I mean crazy who seems to think that maybe she can get me put in prison for MSN archives that to me are bairly provable without having to go through an entire network of communcation servers.

1.) Shes says shes going to give my MSN archchives to the police so I go to jail because I left her, Is this possible to get me put in jail when msn archives in no way shape or form show any valid username only friendly names (Nick Names) and even if they could be faked at any time (as a programmer I could build you 50 right now :|). She is also trying to only say this because I wont do what she wants yes I know its blackmail but I dont got time to deal with the cops and she also wants money, shes trying to tell me if I ever come back to michigan she will give it to the cops. What can I do about this and can she get me put in jail with a stupid MSN archive. The msn archive does make a few threats in a very broad aspect but could never be proved that I actually said it because like I said they dont make archives with actual usernames just friendly names.

*knock,knock** Anybody home? This is America, 2005. Patriot Act. The "cyber-police" already know about it, without your ex's help. If you had anything to worry about, you would know by now. If you do not have one of these in your state yet, you will soon....Here is ours in Colorado:

Computers, the Suspect at the New Lab"
Denver Post (03/15/04) P. B1; Gonzales, Manny

Law enforcement agencies in the Denver, Colo., metropolitan area will join FBI agents in staffing a new high-tech, regional computer forensic lab that will be used to gather evidence from the computers of suspects involving murder, child molestation, rape, child pornography, domestic violence, robbery, and fraud. As many as 15 forensic examiners, including four who are FBI agents, are expected to work in the 18,000-square-foot facility, which cost the federal government $2 million to build. Moreover, the federal government will contribute $1 million annually to update equipment, software, and training. Slated to open within a year, the new federal lab will be used to investigate 200 to 300 FBI cases a year across the state and Wyoming, and the facility also will be used to perform counterterrorism duties. "Almost every crime we see involves computer or digital evidence," says Phillip B.J. Reid, special agent in charge of the FBI's Denver division. The computer forensic examiners will use regular computers and software only available to police to gain a copy of a suspect's hard drive, which will yield a trail of emails, photographs, video, Web sites visited, and other information stored in PCs. These days, experts have been called on to gather evidence from hand-held and Global Positioning System devices as well. www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36%7E53%7E2018057,00.html

Here is the way it happens:


So, curiousity here....how is she going to know if you return to Michigan?

Sounds like somebody is watching too much TV. Tell her if she isn't careful, you will send your mom over to beat-up her mom. lol...then hang up, and toss her number into the trash can as you head out the door into the real world.
Knock Knock you don't know what you are talking about...

First off they are creating forensic labs around the country and going through a certification process for these labs to ensure that procedures are well in-place for handling and processing digital evidence (this was briefed at DefCon this year by one of the lead agents...) Not to burst your bubble, but the your Echelon crime-busting system isn't real. If you have ever worked with high-volume traffic processing (my experience is with processing millions of alerts per day on an enterprise govt. network) then you know it is impossible to detect and catalogue every little thing that happens. If this guy was defacing a web site or two or doing some other small hacking he really has nothing to worry about as damages would be limited and investigators won't really pursue minor incidents...
EvilWizard said:
Knock Knock you don't know what you are talking about...

First off they are creating forensic labs around the country and going through a certification process for these labs to ensure that procedures are well in-place for handling and processing digital evidence (this was briefed at DefCon this year by one of the lead agents...) Not to burst your bubble, but the your Echelon crime-busting system isn't real. If you have ever worked with high-volume traffic processing (my experience is with processing millions of alerts per day on an enterprise govt. network) then you know it is impossible to detect and catalogue every little thing that happens. If this guy was defacing a web site or two or doing some other small hacking he really has nothing to worry about as damages would be limited and investigators won't really pursue minor incidents...
Just a suggestion. Before you make a statement suggesting someone does not know what they are talking about, by giving an ego-inflating synopsis of what you think is related and your experience that you think makes you an expert, supported by a statement that is actually the poster's point (if you took the time ask for clarification) desguised as if it were your own wizardry****************************..you might try asking for clarification.

First, it makes you look like you respect people other than yourself, which gives people the idea you are more concerned about exchanging ideas and sharing information....than trying to portray yourself as guru wannabe on a web forum.
Secondly, when you take the time to clarify if what someone said was meant the way you interpreted it; you avoid the possibility of accusing someone of having no knowledge on an issue before you realize they just might have expertise in,,,,,possibly much more than your own. You might end up learning something, which is my goal.....instead of looking for opportunities to show your need for attention to fix that low self-esteem problem.

To pretend a moment that you asked for clarification: My point was that there resources such as Echelon,Omnivore, Carnivore, Matrix, Eagle Eyes, Talon, Operation Shamrock,InfraGard,CALEA enhancements,TIPS-like programs, Choicepoint's "Homeland Tracker" and other tools from the past and present, as well as undisclosed resources, which some choose to believe exist (like European Parliment with Echelon), and some choose to deny. I was only trying to suggest that there is enough evidence to lead someone like myself to suggest one of these might have the ability to intercept large amounts of communication data transfers at the same time for suspicious activity by engaging "sniffing" or maybe implementing a "keyword database flagger" system that bypasses all but specific profiles it is programmed to flag for surveillance, kind of like a "roving wire-tap" for awhile.

Then let's make another assumption in what you decided was my "Echelon crime-busting system", that these systems operate under budgets; which dictate using filtering systems to indentify specific high profile targets,insuring enforcement expenditures are directed toward targets yielding the maximum return on the investment. So, by suggesting that "they already know" and "if you had anything to worry about, you would know by now", I was implying that just maybe the example given by dsouf might not be one of the highest items on the priority list.

I was not interested in starting a debate about whether there is technology that exists for this, and if it does, who has more knowledge about the systems than somebody else, or being careless enough to engage in trying to win a "school-girl ego-battle" on an internet forum by posting expertise I am not interested in drawing attention to.

So, EvilWizard... let me just announce that you are the expert, and I am just an uneducated amateur, popping off some paranoid delusions on things that probably do not exist to begin with;... which gives us both what we want. Agreed?

There, all better now.

Sorry dsouf for highjacking your thread. I hope something here provided more help with your situation. I just decided to respond to one of these folks one time. I have refrained in the past, and will in the future, as I find it analogous to trying to beat the car next to me at one traffic light....to the next traffic light.....like it has something to do with self-worth. lol

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