How do you determine whether a multi-levle marketing company is legal? I joined a multi-level company and now I want out. The company sells internet services that you and I can get for free from Yahoo, Tripod, MSN etc... This company sells free e-mail, internet hosting services (of websites that are already preformatted and with addresses such as http://www.blahblah\your site's name.net), and a cyber mall. I believe the cybermall is the only legal aspect of their business. The company targets the average Joe that wants to get rich fast, and the way you make money is by getting more people to join the company, not selling the product.
Their policies and procedures state that if I want a refund I must submit a written letter within 3 days (effective when I submit my application). I missed the 3 day deadline and thought it was what I deserved for making such a stupid decision. I later found out that my friend was able to get a refund. I sent them a letter requesting a refund and was denied with a condescending letter from their lawyer. Their letter reiterated their 3 day refund policy and a 30 refund policy that can be granted with their discretion. I had no knowledge of this policy, otherwise I would of sent my letter in sooner (my request was one month and a half late).
What can I do to get my $1,000.00 back? And how can I stop this company from preying on other consumers?
Their policies and procedures state that if I want a refund I must submit a written letter within 3 days (effective when I submit my application). I missed the 3 day deadline and thought it was what I deserved for making such a stupid decision. I later found out that my friend was able to get a refund. I sent them a letter requesting a refund and was denied with a condescending letter from their lawyer. Their letter reiterated their 3 day refund policy and a 30 refund policy that can be granted with their discretion. I had no knowledge of this policy, otherwise I would of sent my letter in sooner (my request was one month and a half late).
What can I do to get my $1,000.00 back? And how can I stop this company from preying on other consumers?