Illinois Have a job where we did 17 sq roofing tearoff, reshingle, $1100.00 worth of electrical repairs, and 40lf gutters, and 80lf fascia metal. Now my question is, must insurance company pay me contractor o/p 20% on these 4 trades no matter how small third and fourth trade were. Also there was a bill or law passed saying insurance companies must pay 20% o/p on all jobs 3 trades or more. What is the name of this law or bill and where do i find it. I know they have to pay it but as you all know I need documentation to make them pay I am so stubborn I've done over 1,000 insurance claims and insurance hasnt won a battle yet and I aint gonna start now. I just need to know where to find the precedants or laws or whatever, cakewalk from there
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