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My attorney has been running a sham trial behind my back.

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New member
What is the name of your state? MS

Divorce case, more specifically bigamy. Bigamy in my state is a felony with a 10 year sentence. Wife will not answer more than a dozen basic discovery documents from birth certificates to passports, all requests are relevant and would help prove bigamy. Simple solution is to do a compel discovery. My attorney knows the judge would force answers, and my wife will never answer, and eventually the judge would give a guilt verdict.

Given that I am a big fish (millions in assets) in a small pond (poor state), both attorneys know this is a once in a life time case for them and they expected 6-figures minimum. For that to occur, they need bigamy to fail and for me to divide my assets and and the attorneys drag it out and they wanted a slice of that pie.

My attorney would deliberately not invite me to court, pretend like she was fighting, when in reality both attorneys lied in court and conspired to use the court and force a verdict in camera based on fraudulent documents so my bigamy case fails.

When I wouldn't accept the verdict, my attorney would agree with me and act like the judge didn't know what she was doing and suggest motion to reconsider but refuse to put any evidence. Again, I refuse to accept the motion's decision and my attorney agree and claim the judge is at fault, next taking it to the Supreme Court, only for it to be time locked and my attorney tell me the Supreme Court is wrong. Clearly, my attorney is deliberately making my case fail in hopes I divide my assets and she gets her share.

I intend to reach out to legal malpractice lawyers and my state's bar. For obvious reasons I have lost trust of any one in the legal field. I am open to any other suggest and comments.
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New member
Wife was denied and banned entry to the U.S., so she created a fraudulent identity to get a tourist VISA later did a fraudulent torture Asylum case against her husband while simultaneously living with her in N.Y.. Her 2011 divorce certificate has her fake name, dob, parent's names and address. Even her fake name and parent's names are misspelled, and parent's have (deceased) next to their names. Her divorce certificate is just part of her fake Asylum to gain illegal citizenship.

Birth Certificate: I know her actual parents, I sponsored their trips to the U.S. in 2014 and 2019, paid for the trips and have receipts for wire transfers with their names and account numbers, prescribed them large quantity medications to take back with them and have the scripts, have photos of them in my home, and her mother passed in 2021 and I have cards her work made her. Wife refuses to send her birth certificate because their is a government website that verifies birth certificates, she knows I know all of these names are fake, she's told me the entire story.

Passport: Her divorce certificate was signed by her and clerk stated they have agreed and signed the divorce on July 28, 2011 in that country. Wife showed part of her passport showing a departure stamp that she left the country on April 4th of that year. I know my wife never went back and wasn't even in that country on that July 28th date. We asked for her entire passport to see if she went back but wife refuses.

I have other evidence from the certificate coming from a made up address and the actual court in jurisdiction denying having done that divorce to our own State Department stating multiple requirements for genuine divorce certificates for that specific country that my wife is missing.

Without going through all dozen unanswered discovery requests, everything can be summed up as: my wife knows I know all of this is fraud, she will NEVER submit these basic documents, it'd prove bigamy and that she is isn't even who she claims to be and is here fraudulently.
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New member
Compel Discovery Hearing:
(1) I've emailed and spoke to my lawyer and explain multiple times all dozen unanswered discovery requests and it's relevancy. She would send detailed itemized bills confirming she understood and her hourly rate.
(2) After 9 months, she does compel discovery but does not invite me to court, stating, "I am not calling you to the stand and there is limited room". After the hearing she would say, "The Judge will go through her [wife] immigration file and decide what to release". Less than half of our discovery would be in her immigration file and the judge doesn't know the merits of the case to decide what to release. Something is not adding up, so I bought the transcript.
(3) My lawyer NEVER told the judge my wife has not answered discovery for the past year and my lawyer NEVER mentioned a single one of our dozen unanswered discovery requests. Instead, my lawyer asked to see the wife's Asylum application: "I want to see if she claimed if she was divorced on her Asylum". I already told my lawyer multiple times, my wife's Asylum is fraudulent and this divorce certificate is part of the fraud.
(4) The judge is confused, suspicious and in the middle of dismissing it as irrelevant, when the opponent lawyer said this is part of discovery (It wasn't: I never asked for her Asylum application), said I am entitled to it, but since it as sensitive info, he will release it to the judge and the judge can decide if she claimed she was divorced.
(Obviously hindsight, but both attorneys had this scripted. Neither was going to the tell the judge about the unanswered discovery. My lawyer would ask for the Asylum, opponent lawyer would say it's sensitive. Both lawyers wanted the immigration file sent to the judge and to get the the judge to make a verdict on her filing status on her fraud Asylum).

Suspicious Behavior:
(1) I asked my lawyer why she didn't mention a single unanswered discovery request and she told me, "I thought I did." I told her I bought the transcript, then she said "we'll do those later".
(2) I sent multiple emails and voice mails telling her to do our compel discovery and the judge doesn't know the merits of the case to decide what to release. She ignored me for weeks, eventually telling me, "Let's see what the judge releases, if you don't get what you need, then I can do another compel discovery. I'd be wasting your money doing one now."
(3) The Court clerk sent the immigration records to my lawyer and scolded her: "You find what is relevant, that's not the judge's job". My attorney didn't tell me, instead calls my son at his clinic to ask him: "Do you know if your dad still wants to do bigamy?" and "we were waiting for immigration records and they took a while, I was seeing if your dad had a change of heart" (What the hell?)
(4) I asked my lawyer for the records but she refused claiming court order was for the judge only. Later, in a meeting, her paralegal told me my lawyer went through the entire immigration file. My lawyer immediately kicked the paralegal out of the room and told me "I only checked to see if all pages were downloaded correctly" and told me she sent the records to the opponent lawyer. I asked why would you do that, she never answered and I can tell she regretted telling me that.
(Obviously hindsight, but both lawyers went through the immigration file, confirmed it claimed her to be divorced, now it's time to go behind my back and ask the judge for a in camera verdict about it.)

Attorney Only Status Conference:
(1) My lawyer does an attorney only status conference, so I can't attend nor is there any transcript I can buy.
(2) My attorney tells me she will ask the judge to go through the immigration records to find our discovery documents. After the hearing she told me: "I sent the judge a list of the documents we needed, and the judge will release it by next week". Based on the judge's verdict below, this was a complete lie and never did that.

Verdict and Motion to Reconsider+Recluse:
(1) Instead of releasing documents, the judge hands out a verdict claiming I asked for one: "Husband asked the Court to go through wife's immigration file and determine if she was previously divorced. Wife's claim of being divorced is sustained by numerous applications in her immigration file."
-I asked my attorney if she said this. She denied it and said the judge doesn't know what she is doing and said we need to do a motion to reconsider, but refused to actually put this in it.
-At the motion to compel hearing, my lawyer asked to see the immigration file to see if she was divorced, now at the status conference my lawyer asked the judge to make a verdict out of it. The judge wouldn't just make this up.
(2) Case was decided on a fraud verification: "Wife has previously gained an attestation of her divorce certificate, and this Court assumes the verification to be genuine."
-Instead of answering my discovery, wife got her divorce certificate attested by the Consulate, never sent it to me, knowing I know the Consulate doesn't verify documents. Instead, she sneaked it into court an hour before our compel discovery claiming "I thought I sent it in earlier, but I was mistaken" and presented it as an exhibit.
-The Judge read the stamped attested document in Court: "The Consulate of Bangladesh in New York is hereby attesting to the signature only. The Consulate has NOT verified the contents of this document and the Consulate assumes no responsibility nor liability for the contents within". And the judge dismisses it herself "this is just a notary stamp, it's not verified".
-Despite being proven unverified at the compel hearing, now at the status conference the opponent lawyer kept lying and claiming it was verified by the Consulate. I asked my lawyer if she told the judge it wasn't verified, and she said "Yeah, the judge already knows that". Obviously, my lawyer didn't say anything. The judge doesn't remember what happened at the compel discovery a year ago, and the judge just assumed since my lawyer hasn't said anything, that she agrees it was verified.
-I asked my lawyer to put it wasn't verified in our motion to reconsider, but she refused, "we only need to tell the judge she can't make in camera verdicts"
(3) In one sentence the judge denies both motions for "failed to produce a reason not previously considered by the Court."

Supreme Court:
(1) Seeing I am not giving up, my lawyer says the judge is wrong and we need to appeal it to our state Supreme Court. I told her only if she puts our evidence. She ignores me and goes on an 80+ page rant about in camera verdicts, no evidence, nothing even mentioning anything about my case.
(2) I email her at 10PM on Sunday and tell her "I knew what you were doing the entire time", and I don't say anything else.
(3) Within a minute she blocks her number and calls me, "Doc, doc, you didn't let me finish, that is just a first draft, read the file name, it says first draft, I was about to add all of our evidence right now". She keeps me on the phone for an hour and makes some changes. She never mentions the immigration/Asylum is fraudulent and that we can't use martial filing status on those, she never mentions any of our unanswered discovery like birth certificate or passport. But, she does mention the Consulate does not verify documents, that we never asked the judge to for a in camera verdict, and that we had expert witnesses who were going to come to trial and say this divorce certificate is fake. I wasn't happy with the appeal, but it was the only thing I was half way satisfied with.
(4) Oppoenent lawyer* responds and says time locked. My lawyer tells me he's wrong. *Opponent lawyer would pass away shortely after.
(5) Eventually, a three judge panel from the Supreme Court denies it from being time locked and says deadline was five months ago. My attorney, both other attornies at her firm, and a paralegal worked on the appeal, and not one of you know how to read a deadline? My attorney would say, "The Supreme Court is wrong" and "the bad news is you can't respond to the appeal, the good news is once you proceed with your divorce and division of assets, you can appeal it again". She was fired on the spot.
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New member
Above was my second lawyer, supposedly one of the best family lawyers in my state, she not local.

First Lawyer:
(1) Everything was great till it came time to collect discovery answers. For 6 months I would ask her about our discovery answers and she would clearly give me the go around, "No they haven't answered", "No, I don't know where they are". This is a small town and they know each other. She'd make up bogus things to bill me in the meanwhile. I asked about unanswered discovery on a forum and things like "good faith letter" and "compel discovery" were mentioned on the forum, my lawyer never mentioned any of these to me, clearly she had no intention on doing those. I told her I wasn't paying for anything but a good faith letter and compel discovery. She turned FURIOUS.
(2) She tells me they won't answer half of my discovery, but they will send wife's immigration file to the judge and the judge will decide what to release. (a) Maybe less than half of our discovery would be in her immigration (b) the judge doesn't know the merits of the case to decide what is relevent. This didn't make any sense, and my gut reaction was that I was being setup: both attornies would go in closed chambers and tell the judge nothing is relevent, the judge would come out and say she isn't releasing anything and my lawyer would tell me that's what the judge decided and we need to move on. I politely decline.
(3) Next, oppoenent lawyer proposes a stay discovery and my own lawyer "highly recommended" I agree (I'm not making this up). She claimed, "it'd be cheaper than to do a compel discovery" and "you have a good bigamy case already, you don't want them to submit something that hurts your case". REALLY? My wife knows I know all of this is fake, do you think she's not providing basic documents like birth certificate and passport for the past six months because it will hurt my case and help her? I decline and start looking for a new attorney, at the same time she quits.

I guess she was upset she couldn't charge me $3,800 for "discussed initial wording for protection order with opponent attorney". Without asking me, or even explaining what a protection order was for, she would make up charges like this, over $10,000 a month for two months. She did remove them when I confronted her, probably because she never did them? I asked why I needed a protection order and she never answered, eventually saying something odd "you don't want your wife leaving bad google reviews with your name your hospital" She was only here to suck money, she wasn't here to do a compel discovery and end this.

Side note, the first attorney was president of my family division of my state's bar and is now a judge. Neither attorney once mentioned any thing in my discovery not being relevent or that I'm not entitled to it. Both were working to bypass the discovery so they could start dividing my money and start sucking money out of me. First attorney tried to scam me into agreeing to a stay discovery, the second picked up where the first left off thought if you aren't going to agree to be screwed over, I will just go behind your back and do it.
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Senior Member, Non-Attorney
Sorry, you'll need to use some of your millions in assets and find an attorney who will help you. You may also need to accept that you lost.


Senior Member
… Given that I am a big fish (millions in assets) in a small pond (poor state), both attorneys know this is a once in a life time case for them and they expected 6-figures minimum. …
… I intend to reach out to legal malpractice lawyers and my state's bar. For obvious reasons I have lost trust of any one in the legal field. I am open to any other suggest and comments.
Malpractice lawyers are lawyers so I fear you might not have much trust in any one that you hire but … you apparently have the money so check your state bar for malpractice attorneys in your area, set up a few appointments, and see if you can find a trustworthy one.

Good luck.
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