my husband came to me an said he wanted a divorce without any explanation, of course i was very stunned because we were at least i thought we were so happy, but any way there after he started staying away from home days at a time leaving me with no one to watch our son while i had to go to work. but after coming home after being gone days i notice thae last time clothes were missing of his an that when he went to work an never came back since an that has been since late january first of february. he doesn't see his son whom is 5 an my son is angry at me for this as if it is my fault i know he doesn't understand but it is hard. what can i do he's bben gone for the last 2 months an he was the sole provider. i had to resort to sell things to pay rent, when he makes so much, he doens't send anything. what leagaly can i do????????? please help me. winston-salem north-carolina