This is in reference to "Big truck accident".I am so mad about this whole situation. I am tired of waiting for something that should have been taken care of long ago.If they would have at least approved him going to the doctor he would have been on his way to getting better. They would rather he sit around and be in pain for months because of someone else. We are experiencing financial depravation because of the situation. When the workmans comp. comes through he will still not be getting near what he would have if he would have been working. That is not the worst part of it all,things just aren't the same of course. We used to do all kinds of things together that we cannot do anymore.I am sick of it I have to swim ,bike do everything by myself. It is putting stress and tension in our relationship that otherwise would not be there.He is not the same, all he does is sit around the house depressed, and that make me feel bad.There are things that need to be done I cannot do ,he definitely can,t do them and we don,t have the money to hire someone. Another thing we have to deal with is his employer. He was taking slips to work every two weeks letting them know the doctor would still not release him to work, about a month ago they sent him a letter saying that he had voluntarily resigned from his position,which he did not do. He has full intentions of returning to work as soon as he is better.I beleive that the union has filed something against the company.I just want to know if anyone knows if there is anything that I can do myself. Somehow I wish there was a way for me to slap the hands of the people who are causing the problems in our lives or get their hands slapped. How can it be done? The man that caused the accident admitted his part in it,I have nothing against him.The man in the small truck that lied, the company my boyfriend works for and the insurance company they are the ones I want. If there is anyone who has any information that would help I would appreciate it.
Thank you, D2
Thank you, D2