was injured in 1994.had 2 ankle surgeries which
directly lead to fibromyalgia and complete disability.
original ankle injury never healed (shattered tendons.)
My worker's comp lawyer intitally said we had a great case
all proof on our side, lots of evidence, etc. This was
1996. I saw the WC insurace doctor in 1997 - he spent
several minutes with me, stated in a report all of my
medical injuries "not related" to fall in parking lot
in 1994.insurance doctor sent report saying such to
the ins. company who forwarded it to my employer.
my employer contacted me ordering me back to work based
on this info. They ignored the continued info from my
doctors verifying my medical condition. Cut off all
worker's comp pay and medical benefits.
Have been to comp court twice.First time to get benefits
immediately reinstated- insuror's lawyer blocked this effort
stating comments from a medical record. Continuance granted
by adjucicator.
Went back to industrial Commission in summer of 2000.
I was certain I would FINAlly be able to speak with a judge
(had met 2 1/2 hours with my attorney the previous day
planning testimony.)
DID not see a judge. Sat outside room while my attorney
and insurance attorney reviewed my medical records for
an hour (I have a history of disabilty due to epilepsy -
However, my lawyer came out of meeting, said judge thought
my case was too complex, and that we should "settle."
I was offered a pittance of a settlement which I declined
though my attorney pressured me to take it (remember-this
is the attorney who all along has maintained we have a
clear cut case)
My attorney know says we have to prove that the fact that
I my ankle injury, fibromyalgia, etc. is work related.
She states insurance company lawyer maintains he will
appeal my case "forever" if we win.
Here is my question: I am out of funds and do not want
to give in to a poor finanical settlement. Can an insurance
attorney drag a case on "forever"?
Furthermore, what is this about my now having to "prove"
I have a worker's comp injury. I thought that was the entire
purpose of the program and that was why I could not sue my
company in a personal injury suit for big money.
Last, but not least, I am not sure I trust my attorney to
represent my best interests. She is a young attorney hired
by a big firm who may be pressuring her to end my case.
What does one do when stops trusts his/her own attorney?
was injured in 1994.had 2 ankle surgeries which
directly lead to fibromyalgia and complete disability.
original ankle injury never healed (shattered tendons.)
My worker's comp lawyer intitally said we had a great case
all proof on our side, lots of evidence, etc. This was
1996. I saw the WC insurace doctor in 1997 - he spent
several minutes with me, stated in a report all of my
medical injuries "not related" to fall in parking lot
in 1994.insurance doctor sent report saying such to
the ins. company who forwarded it to my employer.
my employer contacted me ordering me back to work based
on this info. They ignored the continued info from my
doctors verifying my medical condition. Cut off all
worker's comp pay and medical benefits.
Have been to comp court twice.First time to get benefits
immediately reinstated- insuror's lawyer blocked this effort
stating comments from a medical record. Continuance granted
by adjucicator.
Went back to industrial Commission in summer of 2000.
I was certain I would FINAlly be able to speak with a judge
(had met 2 1/2 hours with my attorney the previous day
planning testimony.)
DID not see a judge. Sat outside room while my attorney
and insurance attorney reviewed my medical records for
an hour (I have a history of disabilty due to epilepsy -
However, my lawyer came out of meeting, said judge thought
my case was too complex, and that we should "settle."
I was offered a pittance of a settlement which I declined
though my attorney pressured me to take it (remember-this
is the attorney who all along has maintained we have a
clear cut case)
My attorney know says we have to prove that the fact that
I my ankle injury, fibromyalgia, etc. is work related.
She states insurance company lawyer maintains he will
appeal my case "forever" if we win.
Here is my question: I am out of funds and do not want
to give in to a poor finanical settlement. Can an insurance
attorney drag a case on "forever"?
Furthermore, what is this about my now having to "prove"
I have a worker's comp injury. I thought that was the entire
purpose of the program and that was why I could not sue my
company in a personal injury suit for big money.
Last, but not least, I am not sure I trust my attorney to
represent my best interests. She is a young attorney hired
by a big firm who may be pressuring her to end my case.
What does one do when stops trusts his/her own attorney?