California. I am a recent former Marine who joined the guard. My MOS was Infantry in the Marines, but I joined the guard as a 19K(Tanker,its in my contract). Can the guard give me orders to deploy in whatever unit they want in whatever MOS they want? I am affraid it will happen to me soon(already happend to 3 fellow soldiers who didn't fight it). Is this breach of contract? If so could I request an immediate admin sep with a reenlistment code of 1(I plan on going active to become a Navy SEAL as soon as I get my degree).I have been in the guard for over a year and have done nothing related to being a tanker, I haven't even seen an abrams tank. In my 4 years in the Marines I have never seen anything like is absolutely a debacle. I am not some bag of ass who hates the military; I love the military and plan on making a career out of it. I was lied to by my recruiter about tuition assistance, my garunteed MOS, and many other issues, and I have my wife as a witness to his lies. If I get orders to deploy as say a cook or infantry, could I take this up with the Inspector General or maybe a Senator like Barbra Boxer? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!