What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? connection jurisdiction, custody & guardianship in missouri, i am living in texas....i will try to make this as brief as possible, i had great difficulty dealing with the loss of my children's father in 11/07, started drinking, got arrested, lost custody to connecticut dcf in jan 08, my brother & sister in law who live in missouri became involved, i was forced to allowed temp custody to go through in june 09...i was still getting my head straight and jumping through the hoops required by dcf, ie housing, job, therapy etc. due to the time limits i was forced to allow transfer of guardianship to my inlaws in jan 10 under the impression it would be temporary til got to where i need to be. all through this process there has been parental alienation by inlaws who have their own agenda and misrepresentaion by my inexperienced attorney. it is now june and i have been sober for over a year, have completed everything in my treatment plan and am employed and feel i can once again be the mother i used to be. i am living in texas...the jurisdiction is still in connecticut and my children are happily living in missouri with my inlaws. i have maintained my relationship as much a possible...and as much as inlaws will alow, ie weekly phone/skype contact. my question is do i need to reopen and move back to connecticut to start the process of getting them back? or should i move to missouri to be close to them and possible make it easier to convince my inlaws that i have it together? moving there would be expensive and i would have to start all over with housing job and no family or friends support....HELP.ANYONE!!???
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