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What is the name of your state? OKlahoma
I have had alot of problems with Doctors giving me straight answers. Like they are trying to cover for the other????? I had a boldging disc & got pregnant 4 years ago after thinking I couldn't have anymore kids due to endometriosis. No one really explained what a boldging disc was to me just sent me to a chiropractor & told me I was fine. Well at the end of my prenancy (last few months) I started hurting REALLY bad. Missed work alot. I complained of pain in my left buttock & back area & the OB Doctor
kept telling me I was fine & that there was nothing to worry about even though I told him about the bolding disc. He said it was back labor. I had 2 other kids & never had back labor so I trusted him & went about my business. It just kept getting worse. I would call crying & went in crying & still no help. In the delivery of my daughter they had my husband pushing on the back of my neck & me holding my knees to my chest. I was literally in a ball. I remember my neck & head feeling like it was going to blow up. My mom said my face was a red as fire. I immediately had severe pain afterwards. I couldn't sit up in bed or have the lights on or my head felt like it would explode! For 3 months they blew me off at the Dr. office until calling crying several times they had me come again. The nurse told me when he left the room to go see this Chiropractor in town. I did & she sent me to get a MRI. It showed my disc pushed out on my sciatica nerve & another boldging also. I had surgery right away not knowing really what I was getting into. I just knew I was in ALOT of pain & the Chiropractor told me it was my only option. She said " I had a free floating fragment & that it was dangerous to leave in there & I needed the surgery." That scared me to death not knowing any different at the time. I now have had a 2nd surgery after being in constant pain for 4 yrs. The 2nd doctor removed a "large cannonball sized" fragment & 3 small ones. They thought they may have been left there from the 1st surgery. They kept asking me WHAT DID I DO for this to happen. I haven't "done" anything. He acted shocked that I hadn't been in an accident of some kind???? He's supposed to be the BEST in Houston so that kinda got me wondering again. Is there anyway to find out if my OB Doctor or did anything wrong??? I haven't done anything cause I really didn't think I had proof???? I have learned alot on my own in the past 4 years the hard way. I did see a chiropractor before my pregnancy & they took x-rays if they still have them. I also have all all my other x-rays that have been taken since the delivery. 3 MRI's & some others. There is some more problems I have had but I'm getting this to long. I'm just starting with the basics. Please let me know if it's to late to do anything. Also, I do know for a fact that the same OB doctor that I had... there was talk of another lady having her tail bone broken during delivery. Don't know if that means anything. I've heard several things but don't know if that matters. Thanks for your time. I'm not looking to sue the pants off anyone. I just don't want this to happen to anyone else! I've had to go bankrupt do to being off work for a year and a half after my 1st surgery. That's a whole other story. Everybody I know says I should seek a lawyer about the 1st back surgery. I just think if this could have been different it would have changed my life entirely. My life is totally different now. I can't do any of the things I used to & I have a hard time working. It's been mentally, financially, and physically fustrating!!!! Please Help!!! Thanks for your time!!!


Senior Member
I don't have any answers.. only sympathy for you and to tell you that you might want to post this in the malpractice section also. Good Luck in finding answers.


Senior Member
Let me tell you about Albert. Some of you may have seen me mention Albert, before.

A few years ago, I had to take one of our foster sons to the pediatrician in a nearby town. While we waited 'our turn', the time passed very slowly--until a man and his wife joined our wait.
They took seats directly across from me. They were obviously from a community in this county, a community that is located somewhere back in time, on Tobacco Road, or in the Twilight Zone.

She picked up a Reader's Digest and began to read the News In Medicine section, aloud, to him. First, she read about the use of lasers to repair dental cavities. Then, she told him they would have to get the dentist to use that the next time they had a cavity and they wouldn't need shots. He agreed it was the thing to do. I'm thinking, "I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the dental room when she tells her dentist that she'll have the laser this time and so will her husband." (Indeed, it would take a flux capacitator to get laser cavity repair into this town by next time she or her husband needed dental work.)

She read aloud and they discussed each article in sequence.

Then, she became quite animated over an article on the common flu. She read aloud the percentage of the population that contract the common flu each year and that based on current percentages, an estimated 20,000 people died from the effects of the common flu last year. She calmly stated to her husband, "You know; Albert had the flu last year. He was out of work about 4 weeks."

I haven't read a word in my magazine since she and her husband sat down and I'm now praying that we won't be called back until her reading is over. Keeping a watch and an ear 'out' for her while looking down at my magazine was becoming more difficult, as was not totally losing it in laughter.

Finished with News in Medicine, she flipped through the magazine. Suddenly, she stopped, sat bolt upright, turned to her husband and gushed, "20,000 people died from the flu last year. Albert had the flu and he almost died! If Albert had died, it would have been 20,000 and one!"

Her husband, equally amazed, agreed.

I began trying to breathe in deeply through my nose and slowly and calmly out through my mouth, focusing on not laughing, not smiling, just breathing. God love him; Albert would not have been a statistic. He would not have been one of the 20,000. No, Albert would have been the "and one".

Are you like Albert? Are you the "and one" of the percentage of women who get pregnant inspite of endometriosis and the "and one" of pregnant women who develop sciatic nerve pain? Are you the "and one" of mothers whose labor partner applied pressure in the wrong place? Are you the "and one" of women allowed to deliver vaginally only to suffer an additional bulging disc somewhere during the pregnancy? Are you the "and one" of women for whom the decision was made to forego delivery by Cesarean section, though in the presence of bulging disc(s)?

I think, that unlike dear Albert, you are a statistic and not a potential medmal litigant.

Take advantage of a free consultation with a medmal attorney in your area as soon as possible; and, always remember Albert.

Best wishes,


Yes, and stay away from chiropractors, you say you had xrays with a chiropractor, most likely they are unreadable and will have to be repeated by a physician. Did you know that to become an xray tech you have to go to a 24 month course and pass a national exam and then be licensed in the state you are working in and then only work under a radiologist or physician. This is all done because radiation is involved and it is for the patient's protection. Did you know that chiropractors are not required to do any of this, and that is why their xrays are so lousy and have to be repeated which exposes the patient to more radiation?

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