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I have a support order to pay $177.00/wk for a child I have never seen due to lack of resources to locate her. She is now 9. I filed for visitation, yet the judge impressed upon me that he was not for me all of a sudden asking. I pointed out my full request and situation in my petition, and he was asking questions already aswered in the petition, that he obviously did not read. Not only is my current family suffering for lack of money, (I have two children living in home), and any filing for reduction has been fruitless, but now I have been laid off from my job due to econimical reasons. I want to file for a modification, but it takes up to 2 months to get a court date, which means I go further into arrears until then. Is there an emergency filing that I could do to get into court sooner or what? Since we don't live in the same county, can I file for a modification in the county I live in? And can anyone tell me about change of venues in NYS so I can get away from this Judge.



I fail to realize how you pay child support yet are not able to locate the childs mother. I assume there is an income execution and the money is forwarded to the mother. You must file a petition for modification in the county where the support order exists and advise court of your changes in circumstances, as well ask court for a order of visitation, which will reveal her current address to you. You can proceed with this even if you cannot locate her. If the mother does not show up than the arrears may be held in abeyance or even dismissed.

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