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Junior Member
As it stands the things I have are

Joint Legal custody
(Implied) Shared residential (50/50 visitation)
I provide medical benefits
There is no child support (she refused it)

She wants more time
She will not allow our son's last name to be changed and it is neither mine nor her's
We applied to have the birth cert stricken to have my name placed under paternal father they made a mistake on the paperwork and sent it to her house and she refuses to acknowledge it
When we went for mediation we told the mediator that we have an agreement providing shared residential and joint legal custody, that this is to be renegotiated when he is of school age the mediator in turn simply put "To be agreed upon by parents" instead of drafting what was said so she doesn't want to acknowledge that we have the shared residential custody.
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Queen Bee
That was far too long and full of info that was irrelevant. Quite frankly, you file to establish paternity, custody and child support. Then after that, you submit a parenting plan and prove why YOUR plan is in the best interests of the child. NOt you.



This has been an on going issue for almost a year now so I am only going to breif you the reader on my situation.

prior to my son's birth my ex girlfriend threatened to keep me from ever seeing him. during this time we had a deal it was verbal but it was all that I could get as it was all that she would ever give. We had agreed that I would teach her how to drive, maintain contact provided it did not cause either party stress, I would assist her if necessary in regards to transportation or if necessarily financially. In return she would keep me up to date on all information pertaining to the progression of the pregnancy, alert me within 24 hours of our child's birth, we would then have a DNA test and then seek a lawyer to set up a legal custody agreement.

Needless to say as per our agreement she was able to get her license, I ended up driving her around on several occasions and eventually ended up severing communications because she would selectively be kind to me and then verbally abuse and attack me, also her current boyfriend was causing her too much stress over our communications and I was concerned that she would have a miscarriage.

Our son was born 3-25-2008, she had her first son's father and at the time current boyfriend sign our son's birth certificate. They had a DNA test performed and he was found not to be the other man's son. She finally called me 4-1-2008 at this point I had my son added to my benefits and was allowed to see him twice before she told me of the situation. She then began to attack me once again and forbade me to come to her house.

So as a father I went to our local family court and was met by the socail worker from hell to informed me that I would be required to pay 500 a month (ficticious because of our income levels and legally they cannot do that but that is an entirely different issue) and then forced em to call her in front of him to verify my son's mother's birthdate.

This in return resulted in me alerting her that I had filed in retaliation I had a restraining order placed against me on bogus charges. The result from this was 2.5 months that I had to wait as the initial paternity hearing was pushed back as a result of the restraining order. During this hearing she acknowledged that she was aware I was the father before the other man signed the certificate.

It was also handled improperly by the courts as it was heard by a hearing officer who failed to do anything other than give us a paper that said she had to use my benefits and that I was the child's father but did not grant me any rights to see my son or anything.

I had to file once again to go to court to get a mediation hearing to see my son and wait it out. As a result I was not able to see my son until the end of August or roughly 4 months as of result fo court issues.

When we went into mediation we verbally came to an agreement that was to be transposed to the paper. The agreement between us the parents was that we would in a nut shell have joint legal shared residential custody, however the mediator simply created a document that said for all fields "To be agreed upon by both parents" we then sought to have the birth certificate ammended that day and were told that we could do nothing by vital statistics without a court order that the parternity hearing documents never asked a striking of the COP that was signed.

Recently we went back to solidify benefit coverage, to have the court order issued to strike the initial COP and birth certificate, and to assert the joint legal custody issues that I could not obtain a copy of my son's medical records because his mother would not consent and i was not on the birth certificate.

The issues that weren't approached were the shared residential custody and last name. Upon visiting Vital Statistics we were offered a free last name change as our son is still under a year of age she would not consent and threatened to walk out if i pushed the issue, she was informed that our son's last name would have to follow the same guidelines as of current since she opted to give the child the assumed paternal name it would have to be changed to my last name or "her lastname-my last name" it could not be changed to the mothers last name because she recinded that right in the hospital and would require a court order.

At this point I have several issues that have in my opinion to be addressed

The COP that was reissued is now sitting at her house because of yet another issue that the state facilities made and she doesn't seem to want to have that addressed

My son's last name is still the same as his older brother's reflecting a different man and I do not know how to address this issue without seeming selfish, I was comfortable with the hyphenated last name but her attitude on this issues is that it is her way or no way

she has threatened that if I bring up the issues of formally addressing the custody issue that she will have my parenting time reduced or at least she will attempt too and she is demanding more time (so far empty threats)

Proving mal-intent in the on going matters based upon her behavior. We recieved DNA results in june of 2008 but she would not let me see our son untill 2 weeks before our court date to configure visitation, she acknowledged during the TRO hearing that she was aware that the other man was not our son's father, that she still allowed him to sign the birth certificate and the link to her threatening me with never being able to see our son, the issue of me knowing that she has the COP that was reissued and that she will not allow a last name change unless it is what she wants.

I want what is best for our son at this point and though i do not approve of this situation she doesn't seek to improve the situation not even to mediate unless it is an issue she knows she cannot win on... doesn anyone have any advice that can help me for future court appearences?
WHat kind of visitation do you currently have?


Junior Member
As it stands the things I have are

  • Joint Legal custody
  • (Implied) Shared residential (50/50 visitation)
  • I provide medical benefits
  • There is no child support (she refused it)

  • She wants more time
  • She will not allow our son's last name to be changed and it is neither mine nor her's
  • We applied to have the birth cert stricken to have my name placed under paternal father they made a mistake on the paperwork and sent it to her house and she refuses to acknowledge it
  • When we went for mediation we told the mediator that we have an agreement providing shared residential and joint legal custody, that this is to be renegotiated when he is of school age the mediator in turn simply put "To be agreed upon by parents" instead of drafting what was said so she doesn't want to acknowledge that we have the shared residential custody.


Junior Member
That was far too long and full of info that was irrelevant. Quite frankly, you file to establish paternity, custody and child support. Then after that, you submit a parenting plan and prove why YOUR plan is in the best interests of the child. NOt you.
If you had actually taken the time to read the so called long and unnecessary posting you would see that I have gone through the process of establishing paternity, and custody/visitation and a level of rights to a limited success rate. I am currently working on a parenting plan which will not be necessary until he is of school age which is about three years with any luck off. The issues I have right now are adjusting his last name to something that is appropriate.

updating the court information so that what was supposed to be written in the custody agreement is on record despite her anticipated denial and putting on the record her crude and malicious behaviors that have gone unchecked by the courts and as a result could cause alienation. (ie look at the fact that my son doesn't share my own or his mother's last name but he shares the same last name as his older brother as a result she could easily use normal child behaviors to her own advantage and allow it to alienate my child after all you cannot force a child to see you)

I stand by the firm belief that ones last name is a part of their identity, I was fine with the hyphenated last name, but she wants it to be her way or no way at all. since she was told she could not have the last name reflect her own without another court order (one that would cost me legal, advertising, and unnecessary days off of work and would end in a hyphenated last name regardless of weather she llikes it or not.

I worry about alienation as I am biracial but my son looks like me in some aspects but could easily pass for white when i have never gotten thoguht of as anything more than mexican (meaning i an rather dark complexion compared to my son.


Senior Member
As it stands the things I have are

  • Joint Legal custody
  • (Implied) Shared residential (50/50 visitation)
  • I provide medical benefits
  • There is no child support (she refused it)

  • She wants more time
  • She will not allow our son's last name to be changed and it is neither mine nor her's
  • We applied to have the birth cert stricken to have my name placed under paternal father they made a mistake on the paperwork and sent it to her house and she refuses to acknowledge it
  • When we went for mediation we told the mediator that we have an agreement providing shared residential and joint legal custody, that this is to be renegotiated when he is of school age the mediator in turn simply put "To be agreed upon by parents" instead of drafting what was said so she doesn't want to acknowledge that we have the shared residential custody.
If the order that was signed off on by the judge says "to be agreed upon by the parents", then you do not have implied 50/50 residential or even shared residential, unless the words "shared residential" appear in the court orders.

Shared residential also does not imply a 50/50 timeshare.

You really do need a trip back to court. However that is also not an absolute guarantee that you will walk away with a 50/50 timeshare.


Junior Member
well the issue is that we have always had 50/50 i get him half of the week she gets him half the flaw was that the mediator in mediations failed to do his job and state it explicitly. Just like in all matters we had worked out we dictated it to him, the only thing that we said we would work out between ourselves were the holiday schedule.

The mediator in the order was to write that we have a schedule that grants me access to our son thursday through sunday at 3:30 pm at which he returns to his mother's house. Tax claims were to be bi yearly benefits my responsibility and so on. He began by writing this and then stated he had made an error on the first page and would re-write it. The initial page read to that nature but when he re-wrote the page after we signed he had decided since we were agreeing at that time to put down to be agreed upon by parents instead of writing out everything.

In effect I have had (originally would have been on paper) shared residential in the amount of 84 hours custody time (3.5 days) that is what was agreed upon in mediation. I have in my favor my log book which logs when i pick him up his condition and when I return him any issues that resulted in my care and any observations..


Junior Member
At this time though my primary concerns lie in the issues with the time share, and the last name. I do not think it selfish that I want my son to share a last name with his biological parents. As I have said before I would not mind if it were hyphenated just that it is changed from the alleged and at this point disproven father. I think that because of several factors this would result in several issues of which include PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) as the last name is at this time shared with his older brother.

The last name was not a result of her being married but as a result of her attempting to remove me from the child's life for her own selfish purposes.


Senior Member
well the issue is that we have always had 50/50 i get him half of the week she gets him half the flaw was that the mediator in mediations failed to do his job and state it explicitly. Just like in all matters we had worked out we dictated it to him, the only thing that we said we would work out between ourselves were the holiday schedule.

The mediator in the order was to write that we have a schedule that grants me access to our son thursday through sunday at 3:30 pm at which he returns to his mother's house. Tax claims were to be bi yearly benefits my responsibility and so on. He began by writing this and then stated he had made an error on the first page and would re-write it. The initial page read to that nature but when he re-wrote the page after we signed he had decided since we were agreeing at that time to put down to be agreed upon by parents instead of writing out everything.

In effect I have had (originally would have been on paper) shared residential in the amount of 84 hours custody time (3.5 days) that is what was agreed upon in mediation. I have in my favor my log book which logs when i pick him up his condition and when I return him any issues that resulted in my care and any observations..

The reason much of what you've written is irrelevant is because the order that you CURRENTLY HAVE does not reflect any of that. It was SUPPOSED TO... fine. But it DOESN'T.

So you need an order that says what it was originally SUPPOSED to say. Which will likely require a trip back to court.

Yes, a log book helps show status quo - it's still not going to guarantee you a 50% time share - and a 50% time share won't guarantee that a judge wouldn't order you to pay child support.


Junior Member
As it stands the things I have are

  • Joint Legal custody
  • (Implied) Shared residential (50/50 visitation)
  • I provide medical benefits
    [*]There is no child support (she refused it)

  • She wants more time
  • She will not allow our son's last name to be changed and it is neither mine nor her's
  • We applied to have the birth cert stricken to have my name placed under paternal father they made a mistake on the paperwork and sent it to her house and she refuses to acknowledge it
  • When we went for mediation we told the mediator that we have an agreement providing shared residential and joint legal custody, that this is to be renegotiated when he is of school age the mediator in turn simply put "To be agreed upon by parents" instead of drafting what was said so she doesn't want to acknowledge that we have the shared residential custody.

The issue I have with this is not child support, she has continously refused it not for lack of me trying I have stated this earlier. I would like to secure my parenting time and work with the last name. She can take half my paycheck for all that I care I just do not want to lose out on anymore time I already missed enough because of her shinnanigans.
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Senior Member
the issue I have with this is not child support, she has continously refused it not for lack of me trying I have stated this earlier. I would like to secure my parenting time and work with the last name. She can take half my paycheck for all that I care.
I understand that. But you should be prepared for every eventuality.

It really sounds to me that if you DON'T have an attorney, you desperately need one... and if you DO have one, you desperately need a different one.


Junior Member
I understand that. But you should be prepared for every eventuality.

It really sounds to me that if you DON'T have an attorney, you desperately need one... and if you DO have one, you desperately need a different one.

I have a lawyer who tells me just take what you have, do not worry about the last name, you are thinking too far ahead. The same lawyer who did not even try to help me push my case faster when I could not see my son from April 3, 2008 - August 25, 2008. I realize that courts move slow but honestly I still to this day feel that there must have been a way to obtain a temporary order of visitation.

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