So I live inColumbus ga. And we moved into our home 3 years ago at the time a neighbor had a grape vine growing on the old rusty cow fence on our property-several feet from the property line- (it’s at the end of our driveway and the property line is lined with several plants along side the drive way ) and it was got so heavy it brought the fence to the ground. So I trimmed it just enough for me to fix the fence . Well we are installing a privacy fence and I was cleaning up and taking all the vines off I noticed that the post that’s holding up our fence matches the one on neighbor property that she grew the grape vine on. So she literally made the grape vine grow onto our fence (there are 3 post two of them are in a straight line along the property line and one that turns and comes several feet onto our property ) so I cut back to the property line and the wires that she had making the vine growing onto the post on out property. So my question is did I do anything illegal by cutting the wires and second is the post hers or ours it’s been on this property for years according to neighbors (seeing the grape vine growing on our fence)
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