One of his post.
This is from a posting of his...
Think about this - would it be acceptable to you?
You and your wife go out to dinner one evening. Seated next you is a
couple with four children having dinner. You'd guess both you and all of
them had similar priced meals.
When the bills arrive, you see that the meal for you and your wife is
quite a bit higher than the bill for the ENTIRE family seated next to
you. Looking closer, you see that you were charged more for your meals
than the family was charged for theirs. Your bill has two meals, theirs
has six meals and your bill is higher?
What? Would you put up with this? Would you ever go back to that
restaurant? Would it be legal?
When you ask about the different charges, you're told that since you
don't have children, that you are charged more to help pay for their
meals - "Do you know what it costs to raise children these days?"
You were forced to pay for YOUR meal and part of THEIRS. Seriously would
you EVER go back to that restaurant? Sometimes you may choose to take
another couple and their children out to dinner and pay for the meal, but
when you do it, it's your choice, you were given no choice this time, and
for total strangers too.
And then the manager says it's a new law that was just imposed today.
From now on, people with children get discounts on everything and those
without children get charged for more for everything - "because you can
afford it".
Are you outraged yet?
In most areas of our society - this IS the law. People with children get
charged less and people without children get charged more. Don't believe
me? Consider the U.S. Tax Code.
People with children get a tax deduction for every child. Every dollar
they don't pay is a dollar you have to pay.
Since typically people with children are married, singles get charged
even more in taxes because the tax rate for married people is less than
for single people. Every dollar they don't pay is a dollar you have to
Property taxes are typically used for public education. Two homeowners
with similar homes will pay the same property tax amount. And if one
homeowner has no children and the other has many children, guess what?
You are paying for their children's education.
Private industry is not much better.
Consider the price of your phone bill, of your cable bill, of your trash
collection bill. Most of these services are one charge for unlimited
use. But we all know it costs more to provide telephone service for
heavy users, it costs more to provide cable programming for heavy users,
and it certainly costs more to haul away the garbage from a family of six
than it costs for a single person living alone.
Basically the light user (single) is charged more to subsidize the heavy
(married with children) users.
What about your employer? Are they part of the scam? Sure are. Let's
use our single person and the married person with children, earning the
same salary. Equal pay for equal work right? WRONG. The employer
included health benefits as part of the compensation package. The cost
of the health benefits for the family is significantly higher than for
the single person. Insuring a single person simply costs less than
insuring a family of 6. Equal pay for equal work - WRONG - the married
people with children get paid more than the single person.
Are you angry yet? Or are you one of those that somehow gets the rest of
society to pay for your children?
We all know where babies come from, it's a result of sex. When my
neighbors have sex which results in a child, it costs me money - higher
taxes and higher costs for services.
So basically, I'm paying for my neighbor's sex! I'm not getting the sex,
but I'm sure as hell paying for it. I'd always thought that paying for
sex was illegal, apparently it's not only legal, but it's forced on me.
I guess its okay for me to pay for sex, as long as I don't get the sex.
But seriously, as a single childless member of society, I do think I have
some responsibility to ensure that the children are properly educated and
I am willing to pay my part.
The tax system is set up to make single people pay more than married
people with children, not only does the tax law make me pay for children
I chose not to have, they make me pay MORE than those with children.
Let's go back to the hypothetical neighbors. Let's assume similar home
values and similar incomes. The single childless person will pay
significantly higher taxes and costs for services than the married couple
with children. The cost of that family to society is much higher than
mine, they utilize public education, public parks and playgrounds, use
more water, more resources, create more garbage, etc… but I have to have
pay more than they do?
Are you outraged yet?