in 1978 in orange county, california i was arrested along with 2 other individuals and charged with 1st degree murder. however after a year in and out of the court system all charges were dropped against me, and i was never convicted of anything, i went on to lead a productive life never having any other experiences with the law outside of a traffic ticket. after being employed on my job in the state of texas, the city ot arlington, for almost 7 years i was called in by my employer 2 weeks ago and told i was being suspended because i am a felon convicted murderer, as well that i had committed fraud when i answered the question on my employment application have you ever been convicted of a felony, i answered (no) because i have not. could someone would please help me and tell me what i can do about this. I was charged but i was never convicted of anything, how can i get my records and have this matter cleared up?
thank you
thank you