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New Landlord Changing rules

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Junior Member
Hello, I live in PA.
The property and home I live in were sold to a new landlord back in april. We previously lived her almost 3 years. We had a dog and 1 cat + 2 strays outside. The new landlord and his co owner (his dad) were asked before the took over property if they would care about getting a second dog..they said no problem. They said no problem again when they came to sign the lease. And left the remark,,,,i dont care what you all do up here..we just care about front property to build business later. The owners saw the outside of the home, a 3 ft pool, childs playground set...storage under porch, because we live in trailer...Landlord was very kind man...came up montly to collect rent....The other day the landlord called to say he was coming up for rent..during conversation husband told him a close..family member died..would be going to funeral same day...Landlord came and in a array of language began to curse my husband out..told him we were to have no animals..told him we were not allowed to put up pool...we were not to store under porch..we were not have messy kids toys in yard...we were stupid..we were...F****....using the foulest of language continually. I went to porch and told him of his language..and his harrassing attitude..my daughter was in the home and could hear...he took husband to other side of home and continued the language....this was a holiday weekend..and the day of his grams funeral..the landlord told him we had 48 hours to rid of all pets..drop them off at a farm he said...one pet is 11 years old with cancer...he and his father pet and played with pets while coming for rent...looked and commented on nice pool...toured yard many times..we up kept our home very nicely and were always complimented on it...we cleaned his portion of property that was littered by tourist...he kept saying to call hud and get on program..by the mobile home and move it..that he didnt want to be a landlord.. called my husband a loser for being a renter...then said he didnt want the trailer..didnt want it after we left..
we ask him to come in see the dogs were crated when in home..that home was spotless..he refused..he has returned each morning at 7 am pounding at door..his attitude that flipped in a extreme manner that day has left me afraid..i live in mountain area with daugher..no transportation in day time..he has told husband..wife better open door if i come..i suffer from depression and anxiety disorder.and have had tramatic event with a man in my past...and am so worked up and confused by his attitude and demeanor...the day he came he clinched fist and was in husbands face with such extreme aggression.it is all so shockint this man did a 360 and with no warnings what so ever.. :( ..i have roots here..daugher starts school...i dont know what to do..please help..(sorry so long..upset right not)
Thank you for time
God BLess


Senior Member
Can someone read the post and tell me what it says in one sentence please.

mtrtkt said:
Hello, I live in PA.
The property and home I live in were sold to a new landlord back in april. We previously lived her almost 3 years. We had a dog and 1 cat + 2 strays outside. The new landlord and his co owner (his dad) were asked before the took over property if they would care about getting a second dog..they said no problem. They said no problem again when they came to sign the lease. And left the remark,,,,i dont care what you all do up here..we just care about front property to build business later. The owners saw the outside of the home, a 3 ft pool, childs playground set...storage under porch, because we live in trailer...Landlord was very kind man...came up montly to collect rent....The other day the landlord called to say he was coming up for rent..during conversation husband told him a close..family member died..would be going to funeral same day...Landlord came and in a array of language began to curse my husband out..told him we were to have no animals..told him we were not allowed to put up pool...we were not to store under porch..we were not have messy kids toys in yard...we were stupid..we were...F****....using the foulest of language continually. I went to porch and told him of his language..and his harrassing attitude..my daughter was in the home and could hear...he took husband to other side of home and continued the language....this was a holiday weekend..and the day of his grams funeral..the landlord told him we had 48 hours to rid of all pets..drop them off at a farm he said...one pet is 11 years old with cancer...he and his father pet and played with pets while coming for rent...looked and commented on nice pool...toured yard many times..we up kept our home very nicely and were always complimented on it...we cleaned his portion of property that was littered by tourist...he kept saying to call hud and get on program..by the mobile home and move it..that he didnt want to be a landlord.. called my husband a loser for being a renter...then said he didnt want the trailer..didnt want it after we left..
we ask him to come in see the dogs were crated when in home..that home was spotless..he refused..he has returned each morning at 7 am pounding at door..his attitude that flipped in a extreme manner that day has left me afraid..i live in mountain area with daugher..no transportation in day time..he has told husband..wife better open door if i come..i suffer from depression and anxiety disorder.and have had tramatic event with a man in my past...and am so worked up and confused by his attitude and demeanor...the day he came he clinched fist and was in husbands face with such extreme aggression.it is all so shockint this man did a 360 and with no warnings what so ever.. :( ..i have roots here..daugher starts school...i dont know what to do..please help..(sorry so long..upset right not)
Thank you for time
God BLess
south, you don't ask for much, do ya? :)

OP has a new landlord who's not pleased with their tenancy and is acting like an A-hole (threats and harassment)...what can she do?


Senior Member
New co-landlords took possession . The Son was nice and said everything was fine . The father comes along with threats , foul language , and different demands than his son , and states to the resident husband , you better tell your wife when I come to let me in .

She says he's there everyday pounding on the door .

Sorry , not one sentence .

My suggestion since you have a Phone , call the Police and file a report , and start looking to move .
Last edited:


Sounds like the father should see the family doctor. A radical change in personality is often a sign of dementia.

You may have to get a restraining order against the father. I hope you've documented every experience with him (date, time, what he did and said).

Have you spoken to the son about his father's behavior?

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