What is the name of your state? Ohio
I have a 12 month lease thats not up until August 08.New owner took over. Now wants me to sign a new lease with a rent increase no grace period. I know they don't have to give me a grace period but to have the rent do on the 1st and by the 2nd I have a $75 late fee. Also has a clause that they can tell me to get rid of my pets at any time.Some other nonsense things in the new lease. Ok what I want to know is if I have to sign this new lease? Also if I don't sign it how hard can they make my life?
Thanks for your time
I have a 12 month lease thats not up until August 08.New owner took over. Now wants me to sign a new lease with a rent increase no grace period. I know they don't have to give me a grace period but to have the rent do on the 1st and by the 2nd I have a $75 late fee. Also has a clause that they can tell me to get rid of my pets at any time.Some other nonsense things in the new lease. Ok what I want to know is if I have to sign this new lease? Also if I don't sign it how hard can they make my life?
Thanks for your time