What What is the name of your state? Florida
Hi Folks,
I will turn 53 next week. I've been in my current job for 15 years and have been employed full time continuously for the past 30 years. I have sufficient credits with SS to qualify for SSD and recieve an adequate benefit for disability. I have suffered from chronic depression requiring medical supervision and the taking of appropriate Rx medication for the past 25 years. I was hospitalized once 10 years ago and have been diagnosed as having "borderline personalitiy disorder". At times I have resorted to burning myself and driving nails into the webbing between my fingers to get relief from the emotional pressure & pain caused by the depression. I am also an alcoholic who has been sober for five years continuous. The medication eliminates the bizarre behavior but no medication that I have ever tried has relieved the almost complete lack of drive the depression causes. And that causes trouble at work.
I recently discovered that I will most likely be losing my job in the next few months. I've had it with trying to fight both the depression while holding down a full time job. This will be the third position I've held that I've been let go from for lack of performance. Those three represent all of the companies I have ever worked for I am sorry to say. The problem is that one particularly nasty sympton of the depression is a near complete lack of drive in life which leads to substandard results at work - a paralysis of sorts. Try though I have to beat it, it always catches up with me.
Do I have to wait until I actual do lose my job to apply for SSD? Or can I apply now and then quit my job when and if the SSD gets approved?
Any other pointers or advice you'd care to give I would appreciate very much.
Hi Folks,
I will turn 53 next week. I've been in my current job for 15 years and have been employed full time continuously for the past 30 years. I have sufficient credits with SS to qualify for SSD and recieve an adequate benefit for disability. I have suffered from chronic depression requiring medical supervision and the taking of appropriate Rx medication for the past 25 years. I was hospitalized once 10 years ago and have been diagnosed as having "borderline personalitiy disorder". At times I have resorted to burning myself and driving nails into the webbing between my fingers to get relief from the emotional pressure & pain caused by the depression. I am also an alcoholic who has been sober for five years continuous. The medication eliminates the bizarre behavior but no medication that I have ever tried has relieved the almost complete lack of drive the depression causes. And that causes trouble at work.
I recently discovered that I will most likely be losing my job in the next few months. I've had it with trying to fight both the depression while holding down a full time job. This will be the third position I've held that I've been let go from for lack of performance. Those three represent all of the companies I have ever worked for I am sorry to say. The problem is that one particularly nasty sympton of the depression is a near complete lack of drive in life which leads to substandard results at work - a paralysis of sorts. Try though I have to beat it, it always catches up with me.
Do I have to wait until I actual do lose my job to apply for SSD? Or can I apply now and then quit my job when and if the SSD gets approved?
Any other pointers or advice you'd care to give I would appreciate very much.
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