What is the name of your state? ga. my name is billy bowers, i became ill some 10 years ago and depen on a electric scoter to to get around.in1997 i applied for one after 6 months and 500.00 i got it. it only lasted 6 weeks untill it borkedown,from that day on it broke every month for 6 years!! i then applied for a new one, it took 6 months of misinfomation,doctor visits and mass confussion to get it and cost $800.00 . it lasted 4 weeks , iam now taking notes and times to build a case of all comunications, there is a lot more to this.no one from the co. is returning my calls . iam 47 years old male thats want to live some kind of life,buts i need my legs.can any one help me or give advice.billybowers.