See, if it's true, then there is a town that is violating this law. They are using speed limit signs as a plow to confuse people. They have the usuals, 65, 55, 45, 35, (yes, it's a small town) but along with those, they have another 3 that say something like "welcome the posted speed limit is 35", "please obey the 35mph speed limit" and then underneath one of them, it states 25mph unless otherwise posted. It's a known speed trap to those that live around here. They also do other things that are illegal, like giving you tickets when your out of city limits, they sit out of city limits and on the ticket it's stated that you were stopped at the outmost streets within the city. They will stop you going past the 45 sign and state that they stopped you when you were in the 35 sign area. It's becoming a problem to people that pass through. I have found a web site of speed traps and this town is on it even though the town has less than 300 people in it. You know things are bad when that happens.
I just want to know if it's true or not because if it is, then I, along with a lot of other people, would like to get a couple of the confusing signs taken down. I doubt it would twart the efforts of the officers to bring in money for the city, but it would help the people passing through in some aspect by being aware that the speed limit is 35 with no other signs to tell them differently.
This really isn't for entertainment at all, just a way to help travelers be aware of the actual speed limit.