I have a white gold engagement ring, I was looking for a ring wrap to match. I found a yelow gold one that I liked, I was told I could have it rodium plated to look like white gold, I was assured this would work,and last for 2 to 10 years, so I bought the ring wrap,and paid an additional $16.00 for the rodium plate. The next day the ring changed color "black and spotty" I took it back , he said I should have my engagement ring soldierd to the ring wrap and have them both rodium plated "again" for an additional $43.00, this was the advice he would give to his mother or sister, so I did . This time both ring changed color, he said it was from the solder.I should have them rodum plated again or have a mold made and have it cast in white gold for $100.00. I want a refund. He assures me I'll lose in small claims court because I did'nt give them a chance to correct the problem, now I'll have to pay another jewler to have the rodium plating removed because I do'nt trust him. How many times am I suppose to let him try to fix my ring?