Barbara Ingram
What is the name of your state?Georgia
This is a 2 part question. 1)Is it constitutional to bring a preaying mantis to show and tell? This is a second grade student. 2)suppose the student wishes to graphically discuss the sexual behaviors of preying mantises. Questions that need to be answered for each question:
1. Is the teacher liable?
2. Has there been a breach of duty?
3. What about causation?
4. Real Injury
This is a 2 part question. 1)Is it constitutional to bring a preaying mantis to show and tell? This is a second grade student. 2)suppose the student wishes to graphically discuss the sexual behaviors of preying mantises. Questions that need to be answered for each question:
1. Is the teacher liable?
2. Has there been a breach of duty?
3. What about causation?
4. Real Injury