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Notices of BK sent to creditors

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What is the name of your state? MN

I have filed a petition for CH7 Bankruptcy. I got a letter from my lawyer that it was electronically filed and a web address so I could see the progress of it. The web site had the date of the 341 and other information. There was also a button for creditors. It listed the creditors I included in my petiton, along with my landlord, the state dept. of manpower, and my county sherriff's office. Do these people receive notices of the bankruptcy as well? If they do, why? What is included in these notices - it doesn't list all assets and income, etc. does it?



why are you including landlord??

Is that mandatory?? Sorry I know you are asking a question instead of giving answers, just trying to learn.


I didn't list my landlord. There is a place in the petition for giving the landlord's name and then you have to tell whether or not you want to continue the lease. I didn't list him, the county sherriff, or the dept. of manpower. That's what I'm asking, why are they listed?


Senior Member
There are 'standard' notices that go out to local, state and federal agencies for every bankruptcy that are in addition to YOUR list of creditors. I'd say its SOP and I wouldn't worry about it.


Thanks Lady. Can you tell me what is in these standard notices? I rent privately from an individual, small town, and really hate the thought of this guy knowing too much of my private info. I know BK is public info., but I'd prefer not to have everyone know my income and debts.
Landlord? Your post confuses me

IS there an option for you to list your landlord? Or is your landlord's actual name on there? Does your landlord HAVE to be notified by the court?????


Senior Member
The only example of a Notice of Bankruptcy that I've seen just gives your name and address along with your attorney's info, date, BK case number and the type of BK you filed. It tells them all collection actions must cease. I don't think it lists anything else, its just a heads-up that you've filed. If a creditor wants to get that info, its easily obtainable thru PACER as public record.


upontheventura - the paperwork I filled out contained a section pertaining to a lease. If you hold a lease with someone, you have to list who the lease is with, their name and address and the conditions of the lease. So, for mine I listed landlord, and said "lease for house" and the gave the dates of the lease. Then I had to put whether I wanted to continue the lease. So, yes you have to put down your landlord. If you rent in a complex I suppose you would put the company you rent from. I rent from a private individual. Then, his name shows up on the list of creditors, I had NO idea that would happen. I hate that he is going to be informed of this.


Senior Member
All I can say is check your local rules, they should be on the BK court's website for your area. They will tell you who is automatically notified of your BK besides those you specifically list on your creditor matrix.
Jeez. That really sucks.

THAT will be embarrassing. Im in the same position as you- actually just started a lease on my apartment. I will check out the local BK website per LAdyInRed's advice.

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