were married 15 years ago here in nyc; have 11 year old son. i want a divorce. concerns: a)there's no fault, just bad chemistry, and everything i read suggests one party must be offending the other in a major way to get a divorce in my b) he bought the apartment 2 months before we were married and his name is on all paperwork, but i have consistently paid half the maintenance and mortgage and have always supplied medical benefits for the family because my husband works freelancec) all of my income has gone toward household expenses, etc. while his is in the bank or in stocks d) we have no mutual accounts although we file taxes jointly e) my wages were garnished for defaulting on student loans from state of sichigan where i went back to school with my then toddler to become a teacer, unofficially separating at the time from my husband, living on loans, welfare, food stamps, etc., and my husband did not contribute (that is, i have a $20,000 debt, e) if i get a divorce will i be left penniless, deeply in debt...when i have worked my heart out throughout this marriage.