Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? florida
my ex is trying to leave the state and has put in an intent to relocate. i have spoke to the people at the courthouse, getting me know where, what i would like to know is where and to whom do i send my letter objecting to this relocation?...the courthouse, her attorney, to her?does it need to be certified? do i need to explain why i dont want her to go or simply put that i object to it? We were not married and have been to mediation in 2005 . I have her every other weekend and wednesday nights and am currently jobless thus not able to mke support payments, is it worth dragging this out do i stand even half a chance?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
my ex is trying to leave the state and has put in an intent to relocate. i have spoke to the people at the courthouse, getting me know where, what i would like to know is where and to whom do i send my letter objecting to this relocation?...the courthouse, her attorney, to her?does it need to be certified? do i need to explain why i dont want her to go or simply put that i object to it? We were not married and have been to mediation in 2005 . I have her every other weekend and wednesday nights and am currently jobless thus not able to mke support payments, is it worth dragging this out do i stand even half a chance?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?