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Obligations of Marriage/Spouse?

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Ohio

My husband & I have been married 4 years, we have a 3yr old daughter together, and I have a 7 yr old son. All the bills (mortgage/deed, electric, etc) are in his name. The only bill we have together is my van loan (but is titled to me& I pay it). We both work, however he makes 98-100K yr, 8 months ago I was forced to part time & only net $1300 mo(23K yr) now. My ex-lost his job, I have not received child support for my son in months.

I’ve read on the Ohio Bar website this paragraph…
“What are the obligations of marriage…....
Both parties to the marriage must support themselves and their spouse out of their respective property or by their respective labor. If a married person is unable to do so, as in the case of injury or disease, the other spouse must assist in the support so far as the spouse is able. The duty to support also extends to the parties' biological and adopted children. Failure to provide support to your spouse or your dependents may result in a civil action to recover the cost of "necessaries" or a criminal charge for non-support of dependents.”

My husband pays the mortgage, utilities, and daycare for our daughter & “his bills” Occasionally he will buy a few groceries however it’s usually what he eats an perhaps milk, eggs, bread. He does not pay for any medical or co-pays, RX’s, household cleaning, personal hygiene items, and clothing for either of the children or me. He has never given me money for what I would consider “necessities”. Prior to my reduction in employment & child support I could afford to take care of a majority of those items. Now, I can no longer afford to, he will not help out. So with my reduction of hours & no support; I am down $1200 a month. I have even gone to the food bank to get can goods so I can afford to purchase medication, foods & have gas money to get to & from work.
My question is... Can I and/or how can I get an allowance for “necessities"? Can I sue my husband for failure to provide support to your spouse or your dependents in a civil action? & how do I do it?
My fear is …he could file for separation & if he files a temporary restraining order that he can force me out of his home. I have no family here they are all out of state and I would not have any where to go & would not be allowed to leave the state.
I know he fears divorce & child support due to his coworker going through it now & has the same income & was ordered to pay $1400 a month in child/spousal support.
We have been going through a rough patch for months now... I do love him but he is just a stubborn selfish @$%!
I am not seeking a divorce or separation however it may result in that...

I just want some help until I gain my fulltime hours back or find another job. It’s not like I want $1200 a month, perhaps $300/400 to help with necessities.
Would this be considered “Gross neglect of duty”?
Any advice? …other than what my friends & family are telling me…”pack up & leave”

Thanks for any advise in advance...
Frustrated & Embarrssed in Ohio :eek:What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?


Queen Bee
He is supporting you and the children. How much is the mortgage? How much are all the other bills? How much is in savings? Do you know for a fact that he has the money and is not giving it to you? How much is daycare? In Ohio it is easily $600 a month if not more. Gross neglect of duty when he is paying all the bills? Ummm, no. With that argument he could sue you for gross neglect of duty for not earning enough and not contributing to the bills, mortgage, and daycare of the child.


Junior Member
He is supporting you and the children. How much is the mortgage? How much are all the other bills? How much is in savings? Do you know for a fact that he has the money and is not giving it to you? How much is daycare? In Ohio it is easily $600 a month if not more. Gross neglect of duty when he is paying all the bills? Ummm, no. With that argument he could sue you for gross neglect of duty for not earning enough and not contributing to the bills, mortgage, and daycare of the child.
When we married he never asked me to pay anything but my & my sons personal bills & chip in on the food & household items, then unexpectedly I got pregnant with our daughter. I have purchased 99% of the clothing, diapers, formula, furniture, medicines, dr visits, etc for her since her birth. Thank god she is potty trained now.

His bills:
Mortgage, Tax Escrow & Ins $1100.
Utilities $200-$300
Phone, Cable & Internet $150
Cell $ 50
Approx. $1600 (All bills he paid prior to us marring)
He has a truck, car, motor cycle & camper (paid off)
& just bought a new truck $650 pmt
Daughters Daycare $400. mo
5 miles from work: Gas est: $70-$100 a month
CC bills $0
His entertainment:
Golfing & Softball Leagues spring, summer & fall. $400-$600 yr & whatever new equipment he needs.
Bowls 2x’s week League fees appox. $100 a mo. (strike ball tickets $$?)
Moose & Orioles Lodge memberships & signing books $100-$110 a mo.(drawing tickets $$?)
Motor cycle rides, Hunting trips in the winter & God knows what other items he buys for himself…
His savings 1/09 statement $9359, that I know of. I was told he has won a few tournaments & drawings at the Moose, I strongly suspect he has cash in a lock box, that were he kept it from his last wife.
His income $98-$100K yr

My bills: Approx $1075 month (Summer $1395+)
Van & Ins $451
After school care for son $125 mo. (summer care: 10-12 weeks $800-$960)
Life ins for all of us $85 mo
CC bill - $60-$80
Cell: $50 mo
Sons & My Rx’s $50 month
70 miles a day to & from work, dropping & picking up the kids Gas: $200-$250 month.
Our entertainment: Netflix Movies: $10 month.
Groceries are priority, then Clothing, hygiene, household cleaning & paper products are purchased if I have the money.
Last few months my mother has been buying the kids clothes. I quit contributing to my 401k, actually took a loan out against my 401k to pay school fees, clothes & medical bills. I’ve sold jewelry and whatever else I could. Sold the boat my father left me in his will.
I have gone with out my medicine to make sure my son & daughter have their medicines & pay for dr visits.
My savings $0
My income $23K yr (since July '08)

Unfortunately, I have been looking for another job, for the last 8 months & that has been a dead end. I would take a 2nd job however, I would be working to pay a babysitter since my husband works shift work & can not watch the kids & what little time he has it for his activities.

Oh Lord now that I have actually put it all on paper, this makes me so sick to my stomach!
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Queen Bee
Divorce him but that is NOT gross neglect of duty. You can get a divorce for incompatibility unless one person denies. And then ask for temporary spousal support as well as child support and half of all marital assets and you will also get 1/2 of marital debt.

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