w seagraves
I run a Web site design/management company. I agreed to build a Web site for a client with a stereo equipment business. The original work order was for a 25-page site in return for $2000 in trade. We then agreed, verbally, to add a catalog section in return for $3000 in additional trade. We also had a site management contract with this client for $100/month to be paid monthly, no trade. I sent a work order for the client to sign for the additional work, but he has refused to sign it. We built the catalog section anyway using materials supplied by the client, but he claimed the items on the site were not stocked by him. We then sat down with him and had him go through the catalog section and fixed it according to his specifications. Now he wants us to take down the items in the catalog (which I assume he stocked for Christmas) and replace them with new ones. He claims his site has never been completed, keeps threatening to "get a lawyer" and keeps bringing up the items we have received in trade, but according to my records, he still owes us $652 in trade for creating the catalog section and will have to pay us to re-create it with the new items. We have already received $3200. in equipment in trade but he says we have not delivered the work for it, although his site has been up since September of 2000. I have documentation for everything covered above. Can I blow this guy off and refuse to do further work for him and if so, are we in breach of contract?
The contract I am referring to is the agreement to build the Website. The original agreement, made verbally and confirmed with a work order (similar to a purchase order but generated by my company and signed by the client), was to build a 25-page site, with payment of $2000 in merchandise trade due upon completion of the work. We have completed the work and were allowed to use our trade dollars when the site was uploaded. The agreement for the additional catalog section was made verbally for the work to be done at $75 per page and should have been confirmed with a work order, but the client has persistently refused to sign this. Sites are uploaded only upon approval of the work by the client, and at that time we consider the site to be complete. The same is true for additions to the site. There is no other written contract regarding the work on the site. The contract for site management is not in dispute at this point, only the agreement for the work on the site itself. Hope that clarifys things.
[Edited by w seagraves on 02-12-2001 at 02:49 PM]
The contract I am referring to is the agreement to build the Website. The original agreement, made verbally and confirmed with a work order (similar to a purchase order but generated by my company and signed by the client), was to build a 25-page site, with payment of $2000 in merchandise trade due upon completion of the work. We have completed the work and were allowed to use our trade dollars when the site was uploaded. The agreement for the additional catalog section was made verbally for the work to be done at $75 per page and should have been confirmed with a work order, but the client has persistently refused to sign this. Sites are uploaded only upon approval of the work by the client, and at that time we consider the site to be complete. The same is true for additions to the site. There is no other written contract regarding the work on the site. The contract for site management is not in dispute at this point, only the agreement for the work on the site itself. Hope that clarifys things.
[Edited by w seagraves on 02-12-2001 at 02:49 PM]