We have a situation that is kind of complicated. My stepson has lived with us for 3 years now. My husband has full custody, and the ex has visitation.His mother has not seen or contacted him since Dec. 29.She is currently in jail on violation of probation charges, theft, and obstructing an officer. This a a repetitave pattern for her.She has borderline personality disorder and manic depression.She has no where to live when she gets out of jail in june.Our concern and issue is that we do not want her to see him without supervision. she has tried to commit suicede6 times that we are aware of.My stepson has asked me to adopt him,but we know she will never allow this.My stepson has also stated to myself and several others that he does not want to go see her when she gets out.What do we do??? By the way we live in il and she lives in Wi.