This letter struck a nerve with me and I am sorry if I seem cold, you are trying to do a wonderful thing and obviously a person with 5 children who is on wellfare is definitley doing the right thing by placing a child up for adoption BUT listen to my story before you get it in your head that you should be able to not use an attorney.
I place my son up for adoption to a couple who convinced me that we could do it without a lawyer, they were very wrong! They too had just bought a house and couldn't afford an attorney, I should have questioned them right then and there! I signed papers she found off the internet (dumb thing to do), I was not certain where the father was so we did not search, a homesrudy was supposed to be done (I found this out after they took my son home) but it wasn't! To make a really long story short, I ended up getting my son back, I could not stand to live without him but I didn't want to do that to these people however, I hired an attorney after my son was born and found out the adoption process was illegal and not done at all like it should have been done, so these peoples choice was to either place my son with me or go to court and admit they didn't do things right because they couldn't afford it and face penalties! I suggest that if you are so broke you can't afford a lawyer to do things right, you need to help these people find someone else to care for their child. You need to have a homestudy done which is not a quick thing, you need to prove financial wellness, and most of all you need to hire an attorney! I commend you for what you are doing and sorry to seem so bitter. The people who had my son had him for a month when I found out they didn't do a homestudy, they were filing for bankruptsy and they lied to the hospital and said that the adoptive father was the reall dad and the hospital allowed him to put his name on the bc without my knowledge. What I am trying to say is that you have a limited amount of time to do all of this just as the people in my case did and when you are pressed for time you may find yourself cutting corners where you shouldn't. I feel for you, my parents could not conceive and they adopted me but they did it with an attorney and it was done correctly. I wish you the best of luck and I hope that you reconsider the lawyer thing, it is too complicated for you to do on your own. one other suggestion is that you could have the mother who is already on welfare tell HHS that she has found a family to adopt and HHS will get things going for you, just please don't do it on your own, it will cause great pain in the end...thank you for listening and once again I hope I don't sound cold...good luck
Also what state are you in?