I found a rebate check that is between 1 & 2 years old. There is writing on the check as follows: 'Void if not cashed before 09/02/99'. Can I get this check reissued? The company has refused stating that the check is too old.
I feel that since I was entitled to this money, there should not be a time limit on cashing this check. Further, I don't believe my inability to cash this check in a timely manner, due to severe personal problems, should be penalized. Do I have any legal rights to compel the company to pay me what I was entitled? This check is for $150.00
I feel that since I was entitled to this money, there should not be a time limit on cashing this check. Further, I don't believe my inability to cash this check in a timely manner, due to severe personal problems, should be penalized. Do I have any legal rights to compel the company to pay me what I was entitled? This check is for $150.00