Hi there,
thank you for taking time for my question.
I have two medium sized dogs and they always get into a barking match with the two smaller dogs that live behind us.
Well now one of my dogs just bit one of they'ers. The fench is just a wood fence.
the dogs on both sides I see have enough room for noses to get through.
Can they take us to small claims and actually win?
The dogs always do this and it's always us who calls our dogs in. Once in a while we just get tired of doing that all the time.
Can they win in a small claims court with this?
Thank you so much for you time and help.
thank you for taking time for my question.
I have two medium sized dogs and they always get into a barking match with the two smaller dogs that live behind us.
Well now one of my dogs just bit one of they'ers. The fench is just a wood fence.
the dogs on both sides I see have enough room for noses to get through.
Can they take us to small claims and actually win?
The dogs always do this and it's always us who calls our dogs in. Once in a while we just get tired of doing that all the time.
Can they win in a small claims court with this?
Thank you so much for you time and help.