I'm located in Idaho and I was served a court summons for order to judgment debtor to appear for examination. I was getting my wages garnished and now I no longer work I don't own a car or a home or anything of value... I don't know what to do!!
You should go to court as ordered for the debtors examination. You will want to take with you proof of income (or lack thereof) and proof of assets (or lack thereof), as well as any other current debts you may have and proof of your current living expenses.
If there is nothing for the judgment creditor to attach in the way of assets, and no wages to garnish, the creditor may be out of luck in collecting on his judgment
right now. He will continue to try to collect what is owed, however, should you get another job or acquire any property.
It would probably help for you to seek out legal assistance in your area, perhaps through a legal aid clinic.
Good luck.