I apologize for the delay in responding to your questions. Also, I must state that I don't know your state's laws, as I only practice in California.
Regarding overtime, it is a somewhat involved area of employment law. Of course ever state's laws are different as well as the federal regulations. Generally speaking if you are a non-exempt employee, you are entitled to breaks, lunch times, and overtime. If you are a non-exempt employee, then generally speaking you are not entitled to overtime.
The best way to find out in your situation is to contact your state's department of labor. Their mission is to handle wage claim issues such as this. You can find their telephone number either on the Internet or in the telephone book.
As for your travel to & from a job site, I am not sure what you are asking. You are not entitled to be paid for your initial drive to the employer's place of business, nor for your final drive home after your shift has ended. If you are on the "clock" though, and are making numerous stops or drives to get to new destinations on behalf of your employer, then you are supposed to be paid for that.
Mark B. Replogle