I am a Manager of a mobile home park in Wash. state. The park is in the process of being sold, I work for the new owners. The old owner has decided not to sell, but thats a different story. One of the things he is doing is not paying rent on the mobiles he still owns within the park, 14 total. The tenants are paying him rents, then he in turn is suppose to pay me lot rent, but he is not and hasnt for 2 months. I served him today with a five day pay or vacate notice, I handed him one copy, sent another regular mail and sent one certified mail. My question is what happens to the tenants that are still living in these units? Its killing me worrying about what there rights are, and if the old owner hadnt been such a jerk I wouldnt have been forced to evict him and his units. He is not going to pay, he told me that, and my bosses want him off the property and are going to push this as fast as they can. I havent said anything to his tenants, but I think someone should, is this breaking any laws? What should I tell them to do? Most of them are on year leases, and I am sure they can sue, but that takes time. Christmas day is the 5th day. Any one who has any idea of what they can do please get back to me asap, like I said my bosses are going to push this hard and fast