Junior Member
I am located in Los Angeles, CA. On October 22, 2007 I paid $100 to a woman in exchange for burlesque classes. The woman took my money along with the money of other students and went to Oregon. She said she would be back and former students of hers would teach her class until she returned. However, she never returned and kept the money. On April 3, 2008 I heard she was coming back to California and I asked her to refund the money. I sent her a request on paypal for the money. She said that she did not have the means to refund the money at the moment, but that she would try her best to keep in contact and make restitution. That never happened. On September 27, 2008 she finally cancelled my request on paypal for a refund. I sent her an email saying that if I did not receive a refund within 30 days, that I would explore legal options and I sent her another request on paypal for a refund. Is it possible to file a lawsuit in this case? I think it is really unfair what she did and I don't want her to get away with it. I wish I hadn't waited so long to do something.