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Parental Rights violations?

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What is the name of your state? Nebraska

So the state of nebraska came to my home while i was in the process of moving to another state as i couldnt support myself and my son on no income. My son (hes 16) decided he didnt want to leave his girlfriend and his pals so they reported me to the State for neglect. I had no income and was moving to another state where a friend had offered to let me use an apartment in the duplex he owns until i could get on my feet. The state workers who visited my home stated that if i moved i could be charged with abandonment. My son at this time was refusing to come home and his friends parents were supporting him in that. I had at this point gone to the police station on 2 seperate occassions trying to get my son home. Each time his friends parents stepped in and said he could stay with them. Then they reported to HHS that my son being there was causing a "strain on their marriage."
Anywho after the state removed my son they charged me with neglect. My court appointed lawyer did NOT explain anything that was happening to me, had me admit to a charge of being unable to support my son through no fault of my own which killed any and all chance of me or anyone else testifying on my behalf (a fact i didnt find out until the judge mentioned it in court). Now to be quite honest, i dont want my son back in my home because how can i ever trust that he would not pull this stunt again? But at the same time i have been railroaded by a lawyer who was only out for his check from the county and not out to help me through this process at all. I have been put on some Central Register for neglect even though its listed as "inconclusive."
All i wanted to do was move to a state where a.) i have a friend willing to help me out, b.) where my son wouldnt be having a sex with a girl i totally disapprove of (she's 18... he's 16... um not cool in my book), c.) is economically more stable than middle of nowhere nebraska, and d.) i wouldnt keep running into my soon to be ex-husband everytime i turned around. Now I'm living with my parents as i cant afford a place of my own since im working a minimum wage job as that's all that is available in my area, working part time as the State has me running all over the place doing parenting classes, visitations with my son, counseling for myself, and finally family counseling.
Is there ANYTHING i can do to get my name cleared? And no i cant afford a REAL attorney. (sigh)
At this point in time my plan is to go to CDL school the day after disposition on the 28th of this month. My court appointed lawyer said i HAVE to be at the disposition or i would already be gone. Anybody got any ideas on what i can do to clear my name?

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