In May 2000, at age 23, I moved out of my parent’s home in Detroit, taking all of my personal property with me. I moved back in with them in August 2001, after an argument with my boyfriend (with whom I’ve been living since May 2000). In less than a week my boyfriend and I reconciled, but now my parents, who vehemently object to my boyfriend and lifestyle, won’t allow me to finish removing the aforementioned property and additional items I’ve purchased since May 2001. I’ve made several attempts to convince them that they shouldn’t be this way, but my mother threatens violence whenever I attempt to leave with any of my belongings and, along with my dad, simply refuses to return my things as long as I’m living contrary to their religious, moral and personal beliefs. What swift and effective legal remedy might I pursue? Please keep in mind that my mother is a violent woman who might destroy my belongings before this matter is settled. Thanks for your advice.