I can certainly understand your situation as mine is very similar. I too have a 17 year old son that is a handful to say the least. I have tried to find a program for him residential wise here in Texas to no avail. I think that the law being that when they are 17, they can leave, we can't stop them, but are held liable for them until they are 18 is a catch 22 for parents who have a child like mine ( he is manic depressant on meds but very aggressive towards us, his 15 yr old sister and 2 month old brother) I have asked about signing my rights over to the state only to be told that I would be charged with failure to maintain parental responsibility and can be charged criminally by the police. Forget CPS helping.....they are in our life right now because of my oldest son and seem to have no interest in helping us find help for him. I too feel that my home is a revolving door for him if he decides to get angry and leave, and then come back when he feels like it. It is very frustrating to reach out for help and get nowhere. This seems like a tragedy waiting to happen, and yet if something happens, like all the school shootings that have been going on, then the parents automatically are to blame. I am no attorney but my advice would be to document every incident that goes on, if the police have to come out, insist that they file a report and inform the officer that you will be picking up a copy of the report in three days. (That tells them that you are serious)Also from what I have been told by the law is that if he does take off, you need to report it to the police immediately. I was told that if mine took off and I didn't report it, I can get in trouble for child endangerment if he says that I kicked him out. You can bet that if that happens I will call the law and make them file a report to cover my tail. Whatever happened to parent's rights with out of control kids? It seems that we have none!! Good luck and keep trying.