My husband fell asleep at the wheel of his parents van when he was 17. He hit a light pole (Wisconsin) and knocked it down. This happened in Aug. of 1998. His mom received payment for the pole ($1000.) and did not pay the utility co. (spent it) and today we found out my husbands license has been revoked for nonpayment of the light pole and we didn't know about any court dates ( Mar 2000) so we did not attend. We live in a different county than his mom and she has not forwarded any of this information to us. He is now 20 years old and the utility co. is after us to pay for the pole. Since he was under age when it happened and covered by his parents insurance what do we do? We have a new baby on the way and cannot afford this bill. Please help!!! Would it help to go to the insurance co. to get proof of payment to his mom? Thank you for your help! momscar