What is the name of your state?
In my english class my english teacher has the class write essays about things about yourself and such. Here is a recent one. I have to describe something such as a book or various other things that have inspired or intrigued me. The prompt says to tell what it means to you personnaly. It has to be read allowd in front of the class. I was just wondering about my rights such as the right to privacy. I was also wondering about speaking in front of the class. I know since school takes away your rights, some people here will just say you have to do whatever the school says. Do I have to write these essays? If I choose not to does the teacher have the write to assign one much more difficult then the first. Can anyone help?
In my english class my english teacher has the class write essays about things about yourself and such. Here is a recent one. I have to describe something such as a book or various other things that have inspired or intrigued me. The prompt says to tell what it means to you personnaly. It has to be read allowd in front of the class. I was just wondering about my rights such as the right to privacy. I was also wondering about speaking in front of the class. I know since school takes away your rights, some people here will just say you have to do whatever the school says. Do I have to write these essays? If I choose not to does the teacher have the write to assign one much more difficult then the first. Can anyone help?