Divorce was final on January 5, 2001. I signed the house over to him and he was to take my name off the mortgage and a business account (credit line). He has failed to take steps in doing so. After calling the lenders, both institutions tell me that he needs to re-apply. I have moved to California and would like to purchase a home of my own but need to get the mortgage and business loan off my credit report. I really had poor representation for my divorce and would not like to pursue this matter using the same attorney. Is there something I can do on my own or is it wise to seek a different attorney? If finding a different attorney is the answer, would it be better if I found one in California or should I find one in Penna?
Divorce was final on January 5, 2001. I signed the house over to him and he was to take my name off the mortgage and a business account (credit line). He has failed to take steps in doing so. After calling the lenders, both institutions tell me that he needs to re-apply. I have moved to California and would like to purchase a home of my own but need to get the mortgage and business loan off my credit report. I really had poor representation for my divorce and would not like to pursue this matter using the same attorney. Is there something I can do on my own or is it wise to seek a different attorney? If finding a different attorney is the answer, would it be better if I found one in California or should I find one in Penna?